Guide: macros, WoW, you and more

Yep. In Details! there’s a percentage in the Damage Done log which I try to get as close from the Raidbots Damage Breakdown chart without overdoing it and bloating the macro which is the hardest part AND keeping the /castsequence lines to a minimum since it’s been broken by Blizz for a long time. Lots of long hours (…or days?) there.

I’ve seen so many macros that have to have too much crap in their Pre, Post, KeyPress, KeyRelease that’s so redundant that it pretty much has to be over-spammed speed-wise thinking it’s better. Fact: it’s not.

Im guilty of that, I just havent found out the way to have it cast one spell over another though unless you use priority. If I were to use priority though, it seems the macro fires slower and alot of spells done fire at all. Do you have any tips? Also i have just the same 3 spells only like on my pally i have avengers shield, and either word of glory or shield of the righteous there, because i tried to keep it to a minimum on the redundency.

Priority doesn’t guarantee an order it just makes it more likely. If you have 4 spells s1, s2, s3, s4 and set it to priority the macro will try them the same as a sequence of s1, s1, s2, s1, s2, s3, s1, s2, s3, s4 (so 4 chances at s1, 3 at s2, 2 at s1 and 1 at s4). The spell still has to be available when the global cooldown is up and have enough resources and be the one it is trying to cast, otherwise it will move on down the list. In this example, if s4 was the only one with resources and you were running at 100ms it would take 10x100ms to get to it, if that is at the wrong time you could be waiting a full second before it gets another chance.

Priority only gets worse the more spells are added, which is why you see so many priority order macros suggesting ridiculously fast spamming rates.

Priority is a misnomer, it should be called more-likely.

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My tip is from my experience is a macro through GSE is NOT 100% perfect (although we’d love to be). It’s gonna miss spells–I see it on my Hunter and I just live with it. If it’s a simple and somewhat short macro try the default in-game macro (/m or /macro) and try it out.

Hopefully the new iteration of GSE 3 that Tim’s working will make it much better.

What phil-f said in they’re outstanding explanation. You could though try the /click pause x.x (where the Haste Rating number usually found when hovering over the Spell Icon in your Spellbook if applicable) for various spells might do it.


I’d like to you give MM and BM Hunter macros a shot if possible.

Just so I understand you correctly, you want me to make a BM or MM macro? Or is it that you want me to try one out? If it is the former, I can try and make one but mind you that my hunter is only 45 so it would be more theory like my Boomkin and Rogue macros i have took a stab at. Also I havent played my hunter seriously since WotLK but yeah i could still try i guess.

I just wanted to see if you could make a MM and/or BM Hunter macro. If you can’t/don’t that’s alright by me. Just curious to see what you could come up with is all. No worries!

Ok, sounds good, Ill look around and see what I can come up with then, but dont get your hopes too high :wink:

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As with every new Patch, please don’t forget to update your Addons and/or Weak Auras as needed!!

**Updated the Raidbots Guide to an updated version Azortharion has written over at Icy Veins with link to the site.

**Updated and switched to a fantastic UI under “Bonus Points”! Please check it out.

I’m having trouble finding an answer to this question. When setting your firing speed (ms) for a macro, how do you deal with the WoW world latency?

For example, if someone says they are firing their macro at 100ms, and the latency is 40ms, do you set your AHK, Corsair, Razer software at:

  1. 100ms (ignore the latency),
  2. 140ms (lfiring speed + latency), or
  3. 60ms (difference between latency and desired firing speed, ie 40ms + 60ms = 100ms)

I appreciate any assistance.

Thank you.

World latency has nothing to do with your macros MS.

The lower your MS the more random your macro will behave. Also the lower your MS the more superhuman your actions are. Hardware macros that repeat keys and software like synapse, GHub, autohotkey etc are bannable under the TOS. Running super humanly (under 250 or so) Ms further highlights that you are not a person sitting pushing the key normally and flags your activity for monitoring.

**Reworked How to macro your rotation: using Raidbots to a much easier experience.

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**Changed formatting to help break up posts for easier reading.

WoW Theorycrafting 101 #1 - When To Save Cooldowns?

“Should I Save Or Should I Go?” is one of the most commonly asked questions in WoW for any class/spec when it comes to cooldown usage. Okay, maybe not in those exact terms, but how do you actually decide if it is better to save a cooldown to line up with a damage amp, a big pack of mobs, or another cooldown or Trinket?

In this post I will go over some of the principles that guide these decisions, sort of a “mental checklist” that you can use for pretty much any situation in the game, as any class.

Part 1: Saving A CD for a Trinket/Other CD/Etc.

There are a few factors/variables that guide this decision.

  1. The damage increase of whatever we’re thinking saving the cooldown for.

  2. The amount of time we are thinking of delaying, and whether this costs us a cast or not.

  3. Minor concern: The cost of casting the cooldown. This could be Resources, or a GCD.

Once you know, or at least mostly know, these variables, it becomes a pretty simple piece of math.

Let’s say we got:

  • Cooldown A - 3 minutes CD, increases damage by 20%.
  • Cooldown B - 4 minutes CD, increases Haste by 30%.

The question is: Is it worth delaying the 3-minute CD for the 4-minute CD every time to sync them up?

To find this out, we first look at the amount of time that we are delaying. That would be 1 minute, which is 33% of a 3-minute cooldown.

Thus, we are delaying the CD by 33% of its cooldown. Over a long time, this effectively means that we would get 33% fewer casts of this cooldown. To justify this, we would need to be making that cooldown 33% stronger through delaying it. 30% Haste is not going to be a 33% DPS increase in most situations, although this can certainly depend on the class. A good rule of thumb however is that 1% Haste = 1% DPS, since you’re just doing 1% “more” of everything. Certain class mechanics can complicate this simple rule, though, so it’s not a hard and fast one.

Part 2: So What About Saving For AoE?

Most AoE abilities in WoW scale linearly with additional targets. An Explosive Shot on 2 targets does twice the damage of a single-target Explosive Shot, so you can use the same rule as before. The damage increase of delaying for an extra target to be up is 100%, and thus you can delay an ability like Explosive Shot for a long time if it would ensure it does AoE damage.

But there’s more to it than just that. Look at the third variable - the cost of casting a cooldown/ability. Explosive Shot costs 20 Focus and 1 GCD to cast.

If it does double damage on 2 targets, which it does, then it is not just the case that a 2-target Explosive Shot is just as powerful as 2x single-target Explosive Shots… It is BETTER, because when you delay the ability for AoE, you are getting the same damage but for LESS FOCUS and 1 GCD instead of 2!

You can apply this same logic to most mechanics. All you need is the DPS increase of delaying which comes from knowing how much of a DPS increase an effect is, compared to the DPS loss of delaying which comes from losing casts of the spell, which is basically just a matter of dividing the total cooldown of the spell by the amount of time that you are delaying it for. In our case that was 180 (3 minute CD) divided by 60 (1 minute delay) = 3 (so, 100/3 to get your percentage).

A more common example perhaps is whether you should delay Wild Spirits for AoE. From a strictly DPS PoV, based on the above math puzzle, the answer is nearly always yes. It costs a global after all, and its damage scales linearly with additional targets up to its target cap.

However, in a practical Mythic+ scenario, it is not quite this simple. After all, if you delay your Wild Spirits for AoE right now, how can you be sure that doing so is not just costing you the opportunity to cast Wild Spirits on another AoE pack in the future? This uncertainty means that the safe choice is nearly always to cast Wild Spirits almost off CD in Mythic+, unless you know the rhythm and structure of the dungeon well enough to get rid of this uncertainty.

Another aspect that I will probably have to make another post about entirely, is the fact that raw overall DPS in Mythic+ is not really all that matters. What you’re actually optimizing for in competitive Mythic+ is time saved.

Keeping it short, imagine if a dungeon was 50% single-target, and 50% 5-target AoE fest in terms of time spent and it takes 10 minutes, and you do 10K DPS overall.

If you improve your DPS by 10% on single-target, you save 30 seconds of time, and you gain 100 DPS.

This is because, assuming for argument’s sake that 5-target AoE is 5x the damage of single-target, your single-target damage actually only contributed 10% of your overall DPS, even though it took up 50% of your time spent. 10% of 10% is 1%, so that’s 100 DPS.

Now, if you improve your DPS by 10% on 5-target AoE, you STILL save just 30 seconds of time, but you gain 500 DPS.
So the time save is the same, but the DPS mostly comes from AoE. Because AoE damage is outright higher, increasing it nets higher Overall DPS numbers, even though the actual time saved is identical, or even lower in some cases.

Thanks for reading! I welcome feedback to these as it is my first stab at writing this. I might do more in the future if people found this useful. I tried to start with a basic, but universal problem. A lot of people honestly overestimate the complexity of WoW Theorycrafting and I want to help make it more accessible and simple to understand. At the end of the day, you can get almost all of it done with basic arithmetic combined with simple understanding of the game’s mechanics.


From Tim on our Discord:
The 100 is actually from Blizzard talking to me about what they were seeing and who their automated systems are banning. If you use AHk, GHub, Synapse etc you risk your account every day. The automated systems are looking at unfair advantage.

If you are using toggles to spam keys they are banning people. In the last month Multiple users were banned for using toggles.

Of the people using hold downs they are evaluating how they are being used but it is situational. The advice from Blizzard has been what a person can reasonably sustain for 3-4 minutes. This is around the 400 mark. In the last month multiple accounts were banned for super human click speeds. (Sub 150ms). These people were banned as they had an unfair advantage over normal players which they used to a competative advantage.

Blizzards crack down on Multiple accounts also affects us as we are using the same tools the multi boxers were to send hardware events to the game. I was warned to warn our community. If this keeps falling on deaf ears it is on the individuals head as “we’ve done this for 10 years” isn’t a defence. They have explicitly said change or we may close your account.

This is just the banning side.

As the developer of GSE, GSE3 is a lot more responsive and while the CVar for spell queue does nothing server side there is a buffer server side and that can be flooded. This severely hinders your macros responsiveness. Slowing down your MS, outbound has two benefits. It doesn’t flood the buffer meaning your [mod]s are more responsive and your macro is more responsive and two it makes your macros execution more predictable and accurate.

If it increases the DPS of the macro what harm is it to slow down the speed?

If there’s no change in the DPS numbers by jumping from 100 to 250 ms what’s it hurting? You’re only making things a bit safer on your own end.

I get it about all the testing on the different speeds but those of us who take macro making seriously to eek out that little bit of damage does suck.

I have one better.

Whoever informed Tim, has no fucking idea what is he/she talking about.

I bet shes/hes not even a tech dev, it really does not make any sense at all from the player perspective.

Impaired people can sustain even those 200ms.

After all these years, and still talking about this nonsense.

PS: and i trully dont believe toggling keys afects it too.

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Tim is just going by the information he received and acted accordingly.

Like I said if it helps your overall all DPS then slow it or tune it. If it doesn’t then take that risk.

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