( High Dps ) Ozy's Balance Druid Single target Dps M+ & Raid

Do u use autotarget in m+? dont u pull some mobs ?

just pressing binding key thats all …no ahk or else

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yes using auto target…never pulled mobs…keep eyes on mobs and casting bar

Hey Ozy! I will try to manage autotarget… but… dont u cast Sunfire/moonfire instant? :slight_smile:
Here are some logs. maybe u can work with them <3

I’m Fluffur

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it cast auto Sunfire/moonfire (dots) ,and always up…dont u want auto target?

delete this line from gse /targetenemy [noharm][dead]

This is excellent. Works really well.


hi Ozy.

I Love IT!!..
Hope to see more coming from you mate.:metal::metal::metal:

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Best macro i used for my moonkin, could u make a enhancer/ele or an shadow macro pls?
I would LOVE it!!!


i am playing as healer those classes but if i decide to change specs then i inform you :slight_smile:

about how fast do you run this?

not using ms or else

best macro atm, thanks for sharing buddy.

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I see Warrior of Elune in here but specced for Natures Balance?

it works automatically when u choose elune talent,its optional for various fights

Peace Ozy!

Could u implement Stelar-Flair into your macro =)?
or just a variation?

when i edit the macro… However… it starts to cast SF too often. I wanted to perfect the Redot but i cant.

I have tried to put it after the first line like this:
/castsequence reset=target/combat Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath, Sunfire, Stellar Flare

It refreshes a little bit fast but I’m ok with it for now.
Have been experiencing that it sometimes skips Sunfire.

What ms are you running it at Dennis?

this is amazing! but i got one question how would i insert a line so it can use focused azerite beam but without the other spells interrupting channelled part of azerite beam? (sorry if this is a noob question)

@dean-robinson in that case, you have to make sure that ALL other macro lines have a /cast [nonchanneling] in front of them to make sure the other spells dont interrupt it!