HP-Enh macro - *NEWEST update *better DPS** Yes Stormstrike is back in macro*

[quote quote=40752]There is some enhance buffs coming Tuesday, you think they will make any big differences? That hailstorm one looks decent.
Enhancement Crash Lightning, Flametongue, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Windfury, and Windsong damage increased by 4%. Hailstorm damage increased by 29%. Boulderfist damage increased by 15%. Fury of Air damage reduced by 12%.

Basically with the 4-piece set from NH we will be going back to roctris/spitz-esq macro (depending on your legendaries that means whether you take Hailstorm or Ancestral Swiftness) predicted max talents would be something like BF/AS/T/CL/LS

[quote quote=40736]are you running with synapse or ahk? Or are you manually clicking? If you are using one of those what delay are you setting? I usually run a pretty consistent .056 delay on synapse and it works well with some of the previous macros. I hate this new patch =/

neither, im running a cheap logitech mouse with a toggle trigger. but i do have it set to 80ms and its smooth as butter for me

[quote quote=40752]There is some enhance buffs coming Tuesday, you think they will make any big differences? That hailstorm one looks decent.

Crash Lightning, Flametongue, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Windfury, and Windsong damage increased by 4%.
Hailstorm damage increased by 29%.
Boulderfist damage increased by 15%.
Fury of Air damage reduced by 12%.[/quote]

well, maybe. I think the enh forum and this macro are pretty close to where it should be in regards to the sequence flow. we can only test hailstorm to see if changing the preferred talent choices should switch. My goal is to provide the replacement of the High-performance macro so im all over tweaking it and trying others macros to see which arrangement flows perfectly(enough)


UPDATED the OP to reflect my fine tuning and DPS increase

[quote quote=42503]UPDATED the OP to reflect my fine tuning and DPS increase

What kind of DPS you getting with this Taco" Do you have any of the Tier pcs. or Legends?

[quote quote=42557]

UPDATED the OP to reflect my fine tuning and DPS increase

What kind of DPS you getting with this Taco” Do you have any of the Tier pcs. or Legends? [/quote]

actually, i just got a legendary ring (forgot which one but its the 1.5% damage one boost) last night right after working this one out in a raid. I am seeing around 500burst then maintaining at 300+ consistently. I am set in cast rotation via my mouse at 300ms and it works very smoothly, as I can do a break from the rotation for self-healing or anything needed because of the paced rotation speed. I did try it at 25ms and 100ms and actually saw a loss of raw DPS of over 31% at 50mil test and on Oden during the TOV test. I actually studied yours and compared the timing of mine and ultimately mixed it into mine to get this. I found on “trial of valor” that I had less burst but the DPS just rose steadily being affected by the procs but was in the top 5. I cant wait to get to your level and see how it scales. especially the artifact haste buffs. and maybe a second legendary. Im hoping it works well for you and how you test yours so it would run the race for HP status.

So Tacolibre i tried the macro out and i loose about 75k dps on avg, i am using a old modified version of Spitz

Sequences[‘EnhSTBF’] = {
specID = 263,
author = “Spitz”,
helpTxt = "ST - 3313112 ",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
“/castsequence [combat] reset=/target Flametongue,Frostbrand,Lava Lash”,
“/cast Boulderfist”,
“/cast [combat] Crash Lightning”,
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Doom Winds
i am pulling about avg 425k on dummy with this and i have hailstorm on because i use the leg bracers other wise you switch out for AS.
i would love to get more Lava Lashes in there but i dont want to lose dps, so if you can modify this to where i can add feral spirits and have more Lava lashes i would be grateful

[quote quote=42816]So Tacolibre i tried the macro out and i loose about 75k dps on avg, i am using a old modified version of Spitz
Sequences[‘EnhSTBF’] = { specID = 263, author = “Spitz”, helpTxt = “ST – 3313112 “, StepFunction = GSStaticPriority, PreMacro = [[ /targetenemy [noharm][dead] ]], “/castsequence [combat] reset=/target Flametongue,Frostbrand,Lava Lash”, “/cast Boulderfist”, “/cast [combat] Crash Lightning”, PostMacro = [[ /cast [combat] Doom Winds ]], } i am pulling about avg 425k on dummy with this and i have hailstorm on because i use the leg bracers other wise you switch out for AS. i would love to get more Lava Lashes in there but i dont want to lose dps, so if you can modify this to where i can add feral spirits and have more Lava lashes i would be grateful

OK, I timed it on my shammy using AS and I got dogs coming out smoothly, lava is 3rd most used, and I noticed DPS increase of 18% on my gear. I feel that it needs one more rockbiter in there and I have stormstrike on a separate key in a 500ms rotation. Flametongue and Frost brand seem to stay up pretty good. Give it a shot and tell me where to adjust. Without using Hailstorm with the legs my test are always gonna be skewed

Sequences['Test'] = {
  Talents = "2212122",
  Help = "working on it",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = [[Sequential]],
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast [combat] Feral Spirit",
        "/castsequence Frostbrand, Flametongue",
        "/castsequence [combat] Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast Blood Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",

@Tacolibre it’s working great!

Thanks. Still finding little changes are needed. but between @Kaj and myself we should crack the code of HP status for Enhance.

Ok, i have given it a few days of trial and error. I think im maxing out my dps at my level i havent seen or experience better DPS in any of the other macros so this might finally be the right rotation.

so i tested both my macro and yours with no ferel spirits at all and your macro does 20 k more dps then mine.
On dummy unbufffed and no feral spirits
ilvl 889
weapon 902
weapon points 46
Mine- 3/3/1/3/1/1/2 359k
yours- 2/3/1/2/1/2/2 379k
FOA fell off about 3-4 times over the 100 mil test with both macros running at .100. But FOA will be obsolete once u get a 4 piece right now i have to wait my turn i have 1 piece.
keep in mind storm strike procs will change your numbers alot i just ran one test so yours is def moving in the right direction

tested yours again with wolves and got
419k over 100 million damg and FOA fell off 1 time and there is a some times a 3-4 sec delay where frostbrand is down other wise pretty good
also might be having a brain far but if you dont have the Legendary bracers do you really need frostbrand in the macro at all, since we are not using hailstorm

[quote quote=43479]419k over 100 million damg and FOA fell off 1 time and there is a some times a 3-4 sec delay where frostbrand is down other wise pretty good
also might be having a brain far but if you dont have the Legendary bracers do you really need frostbrand in the macro at all, since we are not using hailstorm[/quote]

no bracers for me. ill give it a go with frost brand out so that small cast time is made up. Im having mixed dps flows ultimately being altered by just procs. I think the combined macro is moving nicely too. Thank you for the solid feedback, I also placed [combat] in front of each sequence spell that cast without targets in proximity(crash lightning, blood fury, and doom winds) then when moving to a priority sequence it seems to remove the need to turn the macro off and on. its controlled largely by target and no target instead.

let me know if you see any difference in the macro minus frostbrand, and let me know where you are parsing at, would be interesting to find out.

Ok so being only able to test without the important frost brand influenced legendary. I think that removing frost brand completely from the rotation is ideal. I am maintaining nad even increased damage a little. I noticed that I have increased my burst to up over 600k but procs are still a huge factor in overall damage. I’m going to maybe tomorrow run some raids and see how I’m parsing. I know there can be more DPS from this. But I am confident that this is the best rotation thus far. I even compared it to all the others individually and I still do more damage. Combining the mix between yours(kaj)(rocktris) and mine seems to overall be the best today. Now again this is without considering the legendary influence and switching to a frost brand flow, which what I have now should cover that nicely.

Placed updated macro in OP

[quote quote=44019]Ok so being only able to test without the important frost brand influenced legendary. I think that removing frost brand completely from the rotation is ideal. I am maintaining nad even increased damage a little. I noticed that I have increased my burst to up over 600k but procs are still a huge factor in overall damage. I’m going to maybe tomorrow run some raids and see how I’m parsing. I know there can be more DPS from this. But I am confident that this is the best rotation thus far. I even compared it to all the others individually and I still do more damage. Combining the mix between yours(kaj)(rocktris) and mine seems to overall be the best today. Now again this is without considering the legendary influence and switching to a frost brand flow, which what I have now should cover that nicely.
Placed updated macro in OP

So frostbrand with the bracers and ring is a 1% increase over other builds, but its 1% so you dont need it, getting 4 pice changes everything for us
here is a good reference for enh shaman


Ok… Here is my opinion based on the read you provided. I tested maybe a solid 15 times lightning bolt in many single target locations and timed it well, no matter how i arranged it i saw a los of DPS on a single target rotation… this is what i used as my testing single target rotation that gave me the best dps.
I used talents - 2212222

"/castsequence [combat] Rockbiter, Rockbiter",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Flametongue, Lightning Bolt",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lightning Bolt",
        "/castsequence Flametongue, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast [mod:shift, @player] Lightning Surge Totem",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",

I then tested the reads recommendation to use bolderfist and tempest combo and i again lost dps but only marginally. I stayed about 20k less maintained with this rotation than my normal one at 150ms with Storm strike on a sperate key.
Talents - 3212122

"/cast [combat] Feral Spirit",
        "/castsequence [combat] Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast Flametongue",
        "/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Lightning Surge Totem",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",

Now… when i used hot hand i saw the best dps in both single target and aoe situations. i tried on dummies all the way up to 200mil just to make sure i was getting a solid and accurate scale. At my ilvl with no teir peices and on legendary My macro in the OP still holds as the best DPS for me today. Id like to know with the four PC how the lightning macro scales i forsee that being an amazing macro with better gear.

soo this macro is useless unless i get a logitec mouse ? cant keep my dps above 350k

since i cant figure out how you set it up using synapse

is it SS 0.150 macro 0.100

or macro 0.100 SS 0.150

or pressing 2 keys 1 with 0.100 and other 0.150