šŸ¹ Hunt Master BM - 9.2.7 - Night Fae - ST/AOE

Yeah itā€™s been an issue Iā€™ve been trying to figure out. Thinking I have too many filler spells causing barbed shot to miss the procs. Something Iā€™m working on.

Iā€™m using a macro that fits kill shot in the macro itself and has barbed shot on a modifier. I run it at 150ms. It gives me more control over maintaining frenzy stacks which is paramount, but Iā€™m trying to figure out how to reduce the cobra shot casts as too many are tanking the DPS output of the macro and subsequently my parses. Iā€™ll have to rework the entire macro once I get my 2-set as Iā€™ll change to Killer Cobra for quite a few fights. Iā€™ll keep on following here as I think your macro has potential if you can figure out the frenzy stack drop. :slight_smile:

Iā€™d love to get in touch with you on discord, see if we can work together on a decent macro for bm

Could you try this out? Removed Barbed shot from the main rotation and put it on a modifier, kept the main rotation simple and sweet. Should cast Beastial Wrath off cooldown and also included a Frenzy Tracker weakaura to help out


Usage Information

This is my first attempting a BM macro! I try to keep Barbed shots up, never focus starve and making sure the DPS is steady! Please, give any feedback you possibly can!

Alt: Wild Spirits & Aspect of the Wild (hold down to cast both as they share the same 1 min cooldown)
Ctrl: Kill Shot
Shift: Barbed Shot

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.0.61.

Was sustaining around 6.5k on test dummy at 251 ilvl with slightly skewed stats on a 5 min test. I think itā€™s solid - would recommend maybe making a double barbed shot charge (not on repeat) at the start of the macro before the loop so the charges can be dumped before BW goes off and procs it. I also recently swapped to Killer Cobra as Iā€™m simming higher with it presently with the exception of moderate-heavy cleave fights where Aspect of the Beast takes the lead. Iā€™d imagine with 2 set and second lego that Killer Cobra may pull ahead overall. But overall itā€™s great. I Iā€™m gonna run it in raid tonight on a few bosses to see how it performs in comparison to mine and maybe also play around with my ms on keypress to see where it works best for DPS output. Will get back to you once Iā€™ve toyed around with it more.


Appreciate it. Going to try with the barbed shot changes and see how it works as well. Appreciate the feedback and help so far!

Was doing about 1k more DPS than I usually do, still have to tweak the ms rate a bit I think to see, and as it was prog, parses were much more disappionting than usual. I use GSE due to chronic illness/pain, not out of convenience, which is why Iā€™d like to help with the macro, as Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only person who uses GSE out of necessity.


RSI is real for me , so yeah without the macros I would have stopped playing years agoā€¦I tried one run without this last week, I did extremely well but could not touch a keyboard for 4 daysā€¦

SO yeah you will not be the top player but enjoy the gameā€¦this is not to make you better than regular players , it is to allow you to ā€˜automateā€™ sequences and the sequences have variables that automation wonā€™t recognize (procs) thus your numbers will not be as good as a real humanā€™s reactive playstyle to itā€¦

As long as people know this I think that GSE is great.

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So I tried at around 200ms with a double barbed shot at the beginning of the macro out of the loop and it wasnā€™t proccing before stacks fell off. Had more success manually firing them off before starting rotation. Any suggestions?

And Iā€™m glad these macros help people out that couldnā€™t play the game otherwise. Itā€™s why I try to make my macros as close to one button as possible.

Any chance you would split into 2 macors.
One for ST and another for AOE. I find setting it to another key isnt as smooth as having another one set up.

can you use two ahk scripts one for st one for aoe ?

you actually bind multiple keys within an ahk script to run at different speeds

deffinatly something i like to learn how to do.

hmmmm this is way over my head any heads up how to go about this mate tyvm

;; by Hadronox / Rezel

#IfWinActive, World of Warcraft	;; enabled only in WoW

While GetKeyState("1", "P") {
	Send, {Blind}{1}	;; blind mode to send modifiers
	Sleep, 200

While GetKeyState("2", "P") {
	Send, {Blind}{2}	;; blind mode to send modifiers
	Sleep, 175
#IfWinActive	;; disable WoW context sensitivity

^PgDn::Suspend	;; Ctrl + PageDown to suspend script (if you want to chat)
^PgUp::Reload	;; Ctrl + PageUP to reload script
^End::ExitApp	;; Ctrl + End to terminate script

@vince-orlando Iā€™'m trying to understand this macro stuff. I did a sim at raidbots on a target dummy for 3 minutes. Then tested your macro on a dummy for 3 minutes at various ms delays. The sim showed KC as the primary damage dealer, but your macro had Cobra shot way ahead. I tried disabling Cobra Shot blocks in the macro and though I got the priority to move up KC, overall DPS dropped.

Hard to understand what is really going on. Getting the feeling getting stuff to change is just lots of trial and error.

I am also confused why you have a sequential loop when the reset is set to 1. The loop is not really doing any thing.

raidbots doesnt see the macro, it sees the spells that should be used to get max dps. at least that is what i was told. hope that helps a little.

@vince-orlando - please keep us posted on this. I am currenly using a modified Terra Bulba GSE and I have double 291 legos and tier set (2) . I have been messing with the timers and I am still focus starved. BS stacks drop off after 1-2 mins but I dont ever seem to have enough focus, even to manually fire it when the timer runs low. I have tried MS up to 175 - which is where the DPS drops off. Also running it at 100-135 doesnt make it work any better either.
My ilvl is currently 262, and I am running about 7-8k dps in raid. I have no idea how to tailor these to fit my current stats, like some people have mentioned. Any help would be appreciated. But I am also not scared to try new macros, and maybe try to tweak one for my stats, ping, etcā€¦
Thanks much in advance

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Thanks for the comment.

However, I know that raidbots is using its own strategy to optimize its priorities. The result is that it basically means that in comparison, I am getting off way fewer KCs than their optimum. In the past, I have seen that the best macros for BM that I have used have tended to have damage distributions similar to the raidbots splits, which is why I am highlighting this.