I have had to turn Bartender4 off for my macros to work again. Was having all kinds of issues yesterday.
i use elvui bars not bartender
Just add something other in first row because the first two spells are Killshot
I have added:
/cast [combat] Barbed Shot
@Inferno09550 your macro is absolutely nuts.
At least for me its outperforming gauâs one.
Keep it up !!!
Same. I dont use bartender or Elvui and am running at 100ms
So, I added Barbed Shot and moved Beastial Wrath in front of Kill Shot hoping that would fix the 2-3 second delay but it hasnât. Any other solutions?
I dont understand why you have to add anything in this marvelous macro. It never get stuck or hangups for me and im running it as it was written.
Absolutely a killer macro so i have to say GG to this one
Best regards
can we use the wowhead pre-tier list talents on both ST and AOE?
I just got this, and the talent import. i do 90k ST and 260-300k aoe.
would like to bring up my ST. i noticed were not using bloodshed in the macro or talent build, would that help? wowhead pre tier talent setup is using it.
UPDATE ALL: I had something not set right. ST is now 175-200 sustained (it bursts higher to start)
but still curious if we should be using bloodshed?
After trying other macros for over a year now and even trying to make my own. Nothing even comes close to these! Massive credit! keep up the good work
yea mine gets hung at start too for couple seconds. I think because its tryin to kill shot a target dummy, that will never be below the health limit to hit it. so it hangs trying. In a real scenario while swapping around targets and hitting enemies at various hp, this probably is different.
And I assume others here are testing on target dummies as well. So they are experiencing same issue.
What talent did you use for ST?
It is an awesome macro and it was working awesomely yesterday for me.
I changed nothing and logged in today and now it has the 2 second lag.
I deleted and re imported and now it is working fine again. I have no idea wth is going on.
Again, it is an awesome macro.
i just imported the talents above along with the rotations
HI! Unfortunately I have the same problem, I have done everything you wrote but it doesnât work, Iâm always 2/3 seconds late. I use elvui and 100 ms (sorry my english)
@Brady Try to test macro without ElvUI activated. I had ElvUi before and had issues but after deleting ElvUi i never have had any problems. Was probably a setting somewhere that caused it but use standard UI now due to it is really good.
Read this.
how du you set it 2 100ms mate plz help
Its not in GSE, it is my mouse that i use. I have Razer mouse so i use Synapse.
100ms is what i use when holding down my macro. Without this auto pressing i would not be able to play due to my problems in my fingers.
Best regards