I'm currently using this macro .. giving 305k dps

Sequences['Boladona3'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3331221",
/castsequence [noform:2,nocombat] Frenesi de Ashamane, null
/cast [noform:2] Forma de Felino
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Espreitar
/castsequence [stealth,nocombat] Investida Selvagem, Estraçalhar
/castsequence [combat] reset=combat  Despedaçar, Despedaçar, Rugido Selvagem, null
"/castsequence  reset=combat  Despedaçar, Estraçalhar, Fogo Lunar, Despedaçar, Despedaçar, Rasgar, Despedaçar, Estraçalhar, Despedaçar, Despedaçar, Mordida Feroz",
"/cast [combat] Fúria do Tigre",
"/cast [combat] Berserking",
"/cast [nomod,combat] Frenesi de Ashamane",
"/cast [nomod,combat] Talho Brutal",
"/cast [combat] Rugido Selvagem",
"/cast [combat] Trombada Poderosa",
"/console autounshift 0",
"/cast [@player,combat] Recrescimento",
"/cast [combat] Talho Brutal",
"/cast [combat] Frenesi de Ashamane",
"/console autounshift 1",
/cast [combat] Encarnação: Rei da Selva

Tell me what you think

its spanish how can we translate it or its auto translate

I think it’s Portuguese

Follow the macro in enUS lang.

Sequences['Boladona3'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3331221",
/castsequence [noform:2,nocombat] Ashamane's Frenzy, null
/cast [noform:2] Cat Form
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
/castsequence [stealth,nocombat] Wild Charge, Rake
/castsequence [combat] reset=combat  Shred, Shred, Savage Roar, null
"/castsequence  reset=combat  Shred, Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Shred, Rip, Shred, Rake, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite",
"/cast [combat] Tiger's Fury",
"/cast [combat] Berserking",
"/cast [nomod,combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
"/cast [nomod,combat] Brutal Slash",
"/cast [combat] Savage Roar",
"/cast [combat] Mighty Bash",
"/console autounshift 0",
"/cast [@player,combat] Regrowth",
"/cast [combat] Brutal Slash",
"/cast [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
"/console autounshift 1",
/cast [combat] Incarnation: King of the Jungle

Note that Berserking is the Trolls racial trait.

@Wanessa, a macro parece muito boa, vou usar e ver se é boa para upar também, tenho um druida 90 que quero levar para o 110. Muito obrigado :slight_smile:

Here is a corrected version in English:

Sequences['Boladona3'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3311321",
/castsequence [noform:2,nocombat] Ashamane's Frenzy, null
/cast [noform:2] Cat Form
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
/castsequence [stealth,nocombat] Wild Charge, Rake
/castsequence [combat] reset=combat  Shred, Shred, Savage Roar, null
"/castsequence  reset=combat  Shred, Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Shred, Rip, Shred, Rake, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite",
"/cast [combat] Tiger's Fury",
"/cast [combat] Berserk",
"/cast [nomod,combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
"/cast [nomod,combat] Brutal Slash",
"/cast [combat] Savage Roar",
"/cast [combat] Mighty Bash",
"/console autounshift 0",
"/cast [@player,combat] Regrowth",
"/cast [combat] Brutal Slash",
"/cast [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
"/console autounshift 1",

I have removed Incarnation: King of the Jungle from the Post Macro as the OP macro has Savage Roar in the rotation which is confusing to me since they are both lvl 75 talents.
I also chose to use Balance Affinity as the extra range with BS would help more than heals in my opinion.

Will test on an 840 today.

Just did about 15 mins of testing between Spitz Macro and this one.

Boladona3 is a good BURST macro. After the burst of 400k-450k, the DPS drops to 120k-125k for the remainder of the fight.

Spitz macro has little burst but GAINS dps over time. You burst around 205k then drop to 150k and after 3 mins I am able to rise and hover around 170k. Bloodtalons is a big reason for that. Brutal Slash just doesn’t give enough uptime to be a viable option at this time (in my opinion).

Thinking on “open wounds” and “ashmane’s bite”, those macros should start like rake, moonfire, rip.

Then shred, Savage Roar.

When this pre setup is on, you should Go for a 5cp rip then a 5cp Savage Roar.

Ferocious bite should only be used IF: rake, rip and Savage Roar are up.

I noticed some things too:

Moonfire is a damn fast cp builder.

Ferocious bite does crappy dmg too often

Brutal Slash should be on your everyday spec. Change it to bloodtalons only on bosses.

Ppkmaster@azralon ilvl 854

oh thanks for letting me know !

Locking up for me when spells are on cooldown anyone else having this problem. Starts off great then after a few seconds i’m just auto attacking cause of cooldowns.


[quote quote=36400]Locking up for me when spells are on cooldown anyone else having this problem. Starts off great then after a few seconds i’m just auto attacking cause of cooldowns.

Yes it happens the same to me. It starts good but after 10 or 15 seconds starts the auto attacking and dps drops considerably.

Simplest Fix. Learn to play boomy for DPS because i’m pretty sure blizzard designated feral tester to the fuckin maid!! I run Karazhan with one of the top Feral druids in my realm at Area-52 and He rolls with the BiS Legendary for Feral which is Wildshaper’s Clutch - google it and Ailuro pouncers for that little increase boost of aoe dmg. And he sits with all Cooldowns popped at 600K DPS and sits around 270-300K in long fights… and that’s 880+gear and BiS Legendaries. so if u run with shitty gear than that gl breaking 300K dps which is minimal specially going into nighthold… im at 884 Boomy and I barely get below 375K dps sustained. In feral spec at 880 im amazed to see that number then dissipate to about 250-270K dps sustained in boss fights… so for all you ferals out there. bombard blizzard and tell them to understand the definition of BALANCE! because Feral is VERY broken atm… GL!!!

cry less bro. the whole game is broken.

Not just feral. Next week feral will be top again, who knows.

blizzard doesnt know how to balance anymore.

Which macro do you use for Boomy? I may give it a try to see if I can do better damage with my current GS. I’m not liking the current situation with feral macros (I tried).

Go to balance thread or search and type Voodoo_boom and or Dangerchicken. those 2 are very viable play… at my gear of 885 in regular heroics I don’t go below 385-400K dps sustained. and on burst i can hit 700K

tested this with OcC talent and brutal slash talents tonight on the dreamgrove raiders training dummy, at ilvl 847 OoC on a 5min parse burst at start for 170k then dropped and held at 115k was having the lockups while running it (manual moonfire casting seemed to break the lockup) with brutal slash starting burst was 209k and held the rest of the way at 176k crit 25% haste 27% mastery 40% and vers 4%. im personally not a fan of the autounshift for regrowth cast since it seems like they’ve blocked our non proc shifting.