Improve addon gse

Clearly some one has not read the lasts posts ( or videos ), on masterclass, etc…

Let @TimothyLuke answer your questions. :cowboy_hat_face:

Short story “ms russian roulette” and GCD joins the fight.


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Maybe @TimothyLuke will give the GSE keys to @gamers then they can make it better? Afterall, the author of GSE might be slacking in the how-to-improve-my-creation project and an armchair macro user can improve on it. eyeroll

unfortunately I don’t speak English and I don’t understand the language well so I couldn’t see the video I’m just asking

ok from what i was able to understand i that addon has been improved i seemed to see that the macros are much more precise now. i for example am hunter bm
so I could do a sort of rotation:
/cast barbed shot
/cast kill command
/cast kill shot
will the macro now execute the right sequence perfectly?

my macro in shadowland is:
/cast barbed shot
/cast kill shot
/castsequence kill command, cobra shot, cobra shot

seems to respect quite well the sequence as written by the various tests at the stake trainer, the only thing that still delays to use bestial wrath in coldown and aspect of wild a cd

for aoe identical thing:

/cast barbed shot
/cast kill command
/castsequence multiple shots, multiple shots
/cast kill shot

same speech seems to respect enough the priority sequence.

the 2 cds i put them in premacro and postmacro but still do not use them at precise coldown how come?

Because You need to understand how PreMacro, PostMacro, KeyPress and KeyRelease actually work.

Now as for PreMacro and PostMacro these are actual steps executed before the macro and after it. PostMacro also wont fire unless there is a Looplimit set. If there is no looplimit set you also wont every go back to the PreMacro.

For example im using the logic of Sequential. Priority will wokr in the middle here but with its quirks. This replaces the inner loop stuff from GSE1 and is to make it more accessible.

EG PreMacro

  • Line 1
  • Line 2
  • Line 3
    -Line 4
    loopLimit 2

Will execute (one line per keypress)
KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 4 + KeyRelease
then repeat to PreMacro.

Without a looplimit it will execute as:
KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 2 + KeyRelease
KeyPress + Line 3 + KeyRelease
the return to line 2 until combat finishes.

Pre and PostMacro are all about extra tools to control sequence execution.

Perfect rotations can be achieved BUT it takes time and dedication iteratively tuning and tweaking a macro to achieve this. The other thing is that it’s not a copy and paste exercise. There is an 50/50 rule here. Copy and pasting someone else’s macro will give you approximately 50% of the macros potential but you need to tweak the macro to your character to get the other 50%. This consists of tuning your MS. Running the macro and adjusting the spells, filler abilities and pauses so that things go off at the right time. Understanding WoWs macro limits and how to get as close to them as possible.

All the things you are asking @gamers are things that you need to sort out with a macro for YOUR character and any macro.

Short Answer: Why doesn’t something go off at the right time? It’s in the wrong place in your macro - move it until it’s in the right place.


first of all thanks for the answer TimothyLuke I try to understand well again so since you said the macro
Will execute (one line per key press) KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease
if I write
/cast tearing shot
/cast kill command
/cast cobra shot
/keyrelease bestial wrath/aspect of wild

the macro will execute
keypress+barbed shot+keyrelease(the 2 cd)
keypress+cobra shot+keirelease right?

first of all thanks for the answer TimothyLuke I try to understand well again so since you said the macro
Will execute (one line per key press) KeyPress + Line 1 + KeyRelease
if I write
/cast tearing shot
/cast kill command
/cast cobra shot
/keyrelease bestial wrath/aspect of wild

the macro will execute
keypress+barbed shot+keyrelease(the 2 cd)
keypress+cobra shot+keirelease right?

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)

First press would be

Barbed Shot
bestial Wrath
Aspect of the Wild

The problem here is WoW treats these as a “stack” and executes from the top down. Once it hits the first ability on the GCD it blocks the actions below it which are also on the GCD. If Bestial Wrath or Adpect of the Wild are on the GCD (I don’t know personally would need to look these up) they won’t execute

Also if the GCD is in effect - your next lines will just be skipped till the GCD stops being in effect and the. Your next line after the GCd ends is what happens next.

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then one fabulous thing is that we can finally put aspect of wild in keypress and the macro will work perfectly will use 100% instant our most powerful beautiful thing cd
other thing i left the main rotation sequence with the base spell and i put our 2 cd (bestal wrath) per hour in post macro, i’m not sure yet that it is used immediately at least not like in keypress. i’m still testing the thing, anyway thanks again for the timoty response

unfortunately you can’t test well in beta addon gse as lagga fixed game from 170-ms up impossible

Really I play with 300 lag as my starting point yet it still works for me.


but at this point then it is not even convenient to use ms of mouse or ahk software, but just record button 1 and press it manually without using macros.

i think gse is a fabulous addon, so thanks timoty for all the work is just that knowing how to use it well and setting it up is complicated. i play hunter bm and as a class it’s pretty simple to use, but i still can’t get what i want.

I started from the fact of
create a basic macro for hunters with basic rotation:
/cast barbed shot
/cast kill command
/cast cobra shot
from here if you enter the 2 cds that we use hunter bestial wrath/aspect of wild stop

and I would like the macro to use the sequence properly, but I know that you have to set different things to make it work well.

You just don’t get it. My ingame MS has nothing to do with how fast my macro runs at or how fast I press the macro key.

We just had this conversation here Sample Macros for Shadowlands - #5 by TimothyLuke

I play at in game 300ms. This is the number that appears as my “lag” connection to the game. This number is high as I live in Australia and am often playing on US servers. When I am playing on AU servers it’s around 30. For most people playing in their local region it’s around 40.

I run my macro at 100m this is how fast I hit the key. It doesn’t change irrespective on whether I am playing with a lag of 300ms or 40ms.

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Then perhaps you might want to ask the people who play hunters? They are located here Hunter - WoW Lazy Macros

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of lag ms I understand you’re okay.

you don’t understand the meaning see I’m trying to understand how to use and help everyone to understand the mechanisms.

You will raise flags, so just dont speak shut up for a bit and trust what @TimothyLuke has said all the time

Well, thats your opinion man
You cannot and will not perform as im noticing you want.

For me this is the end of the line trying to open your eyes.
