Izzerri survival hunter macro 03/26/2022

updated, test it out let me know

wow, big diffrence. alot more dps coming out. good job.

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Trying to add where it casts Wild Spirits at my curser but keep getting errors. Any suggestions on where to put the code or how it should be listed. Thank you.

I just put
/castsequence [mod:ctrl,nochanneling,@cursor] reset=target/combat Wild Spirits, Coordinated Assault
after the last line in the ~~Keypress~~ variable and removed Coordinated Assault in the rest of the macro.

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iā€™m confused, did you make a new varible for this or add it into the varible? sorry, i dont know GSE well enough,

they added it to the variable KeyPress

ok, i guess i not sure where it goes. i put it where i think you both said, but its not casting.

if you want it in there I will put it in there on different version later

oh i was just curious about it. dont need to change anything izzi.

Fun so far, any future chance of a leveling version of Surv starting a new server with a new character and survival looks promising.

Final tuning for Hunterā€™s isnā€™t even done yet. If Survival gets nerfed there will be a lot of sad Hunterā€™s out there. But this happens all the time with people and new Raidsā€¦

BTW, BM got buffed yesterday and more incomingā€¦

I have it done, adding it tonight

added leveling also changed where serpent sting resets each target

Nice one thanks alot for that its pumping on version 6 atm

Just change the version to what lvl range you are. Have fun!

oh really, that explains my better numbers in the raid. i just thought i was getting better. lol. there goes my big head. lol

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liking the pvp template. where would I add the skill Aspect of the eagle in the sequence

what MS is this tested at, 250?

iā€™m running at 250ms myself. dont want to take that chance of ban hammer.