Izzi feral 1/07/2023

No, the talents are missing many levels.

on the downloaded plugin?

Yes, many points missing from both Class and Feral. Enjoying your macro! Thank you!


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I been having an issue with the update talents. It changes on my end, but when others update it is not changing the talents in their macros. I have started to add talent strings in the descriptions.

Hi Izzi, which one is for raid?

I have just this one macro at the moment, I will make more specific macros at a later date. Sadly still leveling all my alts to 70, I know I am going slow

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that has 30 points left to spend on the feral tree is there not a updated telent build

is that from the plugin?

yes and the one earlier in post tried em both

the plugin should be to 70, this one is not

been having issues with talents
Here are the talents

thanks ive been using your tank spec for a bit and love it wanting to try dps one so can use ina pinch thanks for the reply

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easier to get a hold of me here


link keeps breaking, can u please set it to never expire???

I am not sure why it is expiring

ah learned something new, did not know I could make it not expire


Updated feral



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