Kitty Punt Sequencer

[quote quote=23990]What does the fb25% mean? I am assuming it is for Ferocious Bite but why have shred and FB if the FB does more damage? I tried both on the target dummies and FB does far more than Shred and both are single targets.
Is it just a matter of preference?
Please excuse my ignorance. I am new to the site and just dragged my druid out of mothballs after a long time and things have changed.

From the looks of it Shred is there for combo points to spend on Ferocious Bite. Rake to keep the dots up and shred to get some more cp built up for stronger FBs.

Anyway I played with the macro some and took out the following lines

[[/console autounshift 0]],
[[/cast [@player,combat]Healing Touch]],
[[/console autounshift 1]],

This because I mostly duo with my wife when I am in cat form and have a separate macro for HT on focus, on self, and mouseover for rebirth.

This is my on self one for example:

/run if InCombatLockdown()and GetShapeshiftFormID()==CAT_FORM and not UnitBuff("player","Predatory Swiftness")then SetCVar("autoUnshift",0)end
/cast [@player]Healing Touch
/console autoUnshift 

While I am mostly the one taking damage when we duo, I need to heal her sometimes. This macro is bound to Alt+1 while the main macro is bound to 1, so with my g-13 repeating @ 450ms it is just a matter of tapping alt to get the heal on me. It turns into a slight dps loss i guess when i have to heal her or rebirth, but it keeps us more flexible.

Anyway I altered it some, let me know if you think it is messed up. We are leveling currently so I do not have all of the talents (we are lvl 50 currently).

Sequences['SpoonCat'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/use [noform]!Cat Form
/use [stance:1]!Cat Form
/use [stance:3]!Cat Form
/use [stance:4]!Cat Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [nostealth,nocombat]Prowl
/castsequence [stealth,nocombat] Rake
	'/castsequence reset=target Savage Roar,Rake,Shred,Rip,Shred,Rake,Ferocious Bite,Shred,Shred,Ferocious Bite',
	'/cast Shred',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]Tiger's Fury

I left out the trinkets for now, they are heirlooms so I don’t want to fire them off every cooldown. Also the Tiger’s Fury being in the PostMacro, should be fine since it is not inside the regular macro where it would need quotation marks instead of apostrophes.

OK, so I played around with these abit. FOR MY LEVEL(50) they work great. I am sure they will need adjusted for higher levels, talents, and the method used to activate (450ms seems to work well for me). So if anyone cares here are my versions of these macros.

Sequences['SpoonCat'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/use [noform]!Cat Form
/use [stance:1]!Cat Form
/use [stance:3]!Cat Form
/use [stance:4]!Cat Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use [nostealth,nocombat]Prowl
/castsequence [stealth,nocombat] Rake
	'/castsequence reset=target Savage Roar,Rake,Shred,Rip,Shred,Rake,Ferocious Bite,Shred,Shred,Ferocious Bite',
	'/cast Shred',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]Tiger's Fury
Sequences['SpoonCatFB'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/use [noform]!Cat Form
/use [stance:1]!Cat Form
/use [stance:3]!Cat Form
/use [stance:4]!Cat Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence reset=target Rake,Ferocious Bite,Savage Roar,Shred,Shred,Ferocious Bite,Shred,Rake,Ferocious Bite,Shred',
	'/cast Shred',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]Tiger's Fury
Sequences['SpoonCatAE'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/use [noform]!Cat Form
/use [stance:1]!Cat Form
/use [stance:3]!Cat Form
/use [stance:4]!Cat Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence reset=combat Thrash,Swipe,Swipe,Ferocious Bite',
	'/cast Swipe',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]Tiger's Fury

Let me know how they are working at higher levels or if i need to move em to a different thread.

Oh and here are my Predatory Swiftness macros

HT in Cat

/run if InCombatLockdown()and GetShapeshiftFormID()==CAT_FORM and not UnitBuff("player","Predatory Swiftness")then SetCVar("autoUnshift",0)end
/cast [help,nodead][@player]Healing Touch
/console autoUnshift 


/run if InCombatLockdown()and GetShapeshiftFormID()==CAT_FORM and not UnitBuff("player","Predatory Swiftness")then SetCVar("autoUnshift",0)end
/cast [@focus,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player]Healing Touch
/console autoUnshift 

and Rebirth (for when I get it)

/run if InCombatLockdown()and GetShapeshiftFormID()==CAT_FORM and not UnitBuff("player","Predatory Swiftness")then SetCVar("autoUnshift",0)end
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Rebirth
/console autoUnshift 

Sorry safetyof my English
I am spirit of up one feral troll and I would like to know how to include racial troll and Embodiment: King of the jungle and Berserk

Something about the initial shred macro had me spamming another player. I was doing damage, but every once in a while I’d message him “Bite, Shred”. I hope I don’t get banned for the week or some shit.

Heads up all who use this macro - something is up.

Hey Telly could you tell me if you use a razer mouse and what you have the repeater set at. Mine is currently at .30 ms

Not sure what im doing wrong here but i am only getting about 10k DPS with this GS with ilvl 648 gear.

[quote quote=24660]While I am mostly the one taking damage when we duo, I need to heal her sometimes. This macro is bound to Alt+1 while the main macro is bound to 1, so with my g-13 repeating @ 450ms it is just a matter of tapping alt to get the heal on me. It turns into a slight dps loss i guess when i have to heal her or rebirth, but it keeps us more flexible.

Anyway I altered it some, let me know if you think it is messed up. We are leveling currently so I do not have all of the talents (we are lvl 50 currently).[/quote]

Hey Spoon, any update on this macro for lvl 50+? Would appreciate it, worked nice for me as i levelled, currently level 60.