LDAPDiscDPS 7.1.5 GS 2.0

[quote quote=46759]Anyone wanna make a Disc Priest PVE DPS macro with NO alt mods and shit? Just a true ONE BUTTON macro? This is LAZY macros after all…

You could just remove the ALT commands if you want to spam the abilities and not have control over when they fire.

@Chris: How about you make it yourself instead of running your mouth and whining about it? Be grateful for the people that actually put in the time and effort to come up with these macros.

the only macro pasted in this thread that I could get to work was the one pasted by Ronnie Larson.

I cant seem to get the macro to cast Light’s Wrath and Purge the Wicked. the rest of the sequence works as intended.

or do these skills fall under what you guys call Alt Mods. I have no idea what alt mods means or how to utilize them

[quote quote=46846]the only macro pasted in this thread that I could get to work was the one pasted by Ronnie Larson.
I cant seem to get the macro to cast Light’s Wrath and Purge the Wicked. the rest of the sequence works as intended.
or do these skills fall under what you guys call Alt Mods. I have no idea what alt mods means or how to utilize them


Sorry to hear about your troubles. The ALT mod looks like this in the code

/cast [mod:alt] Light’s Wrath

Which means, cast light’s wrath if pressing the ALT key, and the macro keybind at the same time.

In this GS macro, there are two configurations, One for Dungeons, and one for Mythic+ / Raiding.

In order to take use the Dungeon Macro, you need to use the talent spec for Dungeons. To use the Mythic / Raid macro, you need to use the talents for raid.

Some people have said that certain browsers format the code in the blocks a little weird. You might try copying the code to notepad or notepad++ then importing it into GS.

Running my mouth? Fuck you! This IS LAZY MACROS. Learn to read! I asked a simple question. The thread creator managed to answer without being a jittery twat, why couldn’t you? GTFO

Hey LDAPD, do I just remove them from the input stage?

Alright I’ve tried every macro in this thread and none of them work. The one that actually imported just spams “Hello” each time I click the macro on my toolbar. HALP ME!

Hi, i tried to import your macro from March 13th, i get “Macro unable to import”. i’m not sure what is causeing it. I import it like i do all the other classes macros.

[quote quote=47245]Alright I’ve tried every macro in this thread and none of them work. The one that actually imported just spams “Hello” each time I click the macro on my toolbar. HALP ME!

I used the macro from page 2. I deleted these lines when importing:

Help = “Set Razer Synapse to .050 Delay if using Toggle continuous Playback Key”,
Dungeon: 3,2,1,1,1,3,1 Mythic & Raid 2,1,3,3,3,3,2
Dungeon: Divine Star & Shadowfiend on separate keybinds
Mythic / Raiding: Mindbender & Halo on separate keybind",

It worked, then I just added them back without all the quotes and commas.

I didn’t read the whole thread so… If your having issues with the ALT key and the skills not working, first make sure that nothing in your keybinds is bound to ALT, e.g. ALT+1, ALT+2, ect…

Good luck.

Awesome macro, cant wait to see how it is leveling in dungeons, thanks.

Thank you Oronnoro. your solution got the macro to import. and works good.

Hi LDAP I would like to use this but keep getting errors, its been mentioned to remove spaces and syntax but Im not a coder and have been at this for ages, is ther no way to upload a version that works on import like other macros ?