hi got the macro work but my dmg is down cause of not one single kill command in the rotation is it extra with a with a mod keybind or did i something wrong ? ps youre bllod dk sequence was top tier
I didn’t understand about the Kill Command. Is not firing at all or you think it’s need more Kill Commands? I will make a demo video on the Dummies today, for me is working wonders. And I’m glad you like the DK build
sorry for the bad english. I thought that when I pressed the sequence, no kill command came out, not once, so I was wondering if there was something wrong with me or if you used a modifier that meant you had to press the kill command separately
I see. Well, no modifiers. It’s possible that your skill cache is not working properly. Do a skill cache clean up on troubleshooting.
Make sure your kill command isn’t being baked into your pet’s damage on whatever you’re checking with. Details, as an example, shows kill command under the dropdown for pet damage.
Some alterations to the sequence. Not a great increase in DPS, but better to use with different modifiers, and talents.
Thank you for your efforts. I like your work very much. However, after the update on 1/19, it can no longer be used in the Chinese version (the English version can)
Well… Unfortunately I don’t have the power to make this work in Chinese, this issue is on add-on side. This is Timothy area. But I will try to reach him out.
Maybe your macros need a bit of tweaking because I do better on my own than with the macros. The single target one seemed to do very well some times and not so good at other times. A bit inconsistent. I notice significant down time between casts when using these macros when buttons are available. I noticed it was very slow to press beastial wrath sometimes.
What are you using to press the macro key? I don’t have many downtime, is rare to me need to press keys outside of the sequence. I bind the key to the mouse wheel. 250ms.
Thanks for your reply~
Can i get a clarification on ms click rate here you said standard 250ms but a few post up you said 100ms and showed screenshots of it? I use Razer synapse and just curious what i should set in game in the app and in synapse.
Thanks, oh side note for some reason when i create the macro in game for hunters mark it doesnt auto make it hunters mark the Mend worked fine? Also is it suppose to auto mark or is that something we control.
Thanks again
I used to use 100ms, but I’ve notice that making an sequence that way is not the right thing to do. You are free to reduce the click ms, but I do everything at 250 and keybind my mouse wheel or a autofire key on my mouse (Logitech).
The Hunter’s Mark macro is set to be used once per target, it does autofire but some people have problems with it and I really don’t know why (for me works perfectly). I began to believe is some configuration on wow options, but I can’t replicate the problem yet.
Ok Thanks for the fast reply i do have 1 other small question.
In your dg/raid build i noticed you took talents like misdirect and Bursting shot?
Misdirection is set to @focus. I like to set the main tank as focus if, for some misfortune, I get aggroed. Bursting shot is useful for mob control, some mobs have uninterrupteable skills and Bursting Shot can CC those (not always, but mostly). In raid bosses is useless, I know, but I still think is useful for most of the time.
But feel free to changed it, just keed the key talents and everything is fine.
Thanks im working on the auto hunter mark not working. I do notice in the dg/raid you have the first block as enemymark but in solo and solo aoe you only have solobm dont see a block for enemymark or is it just pointless to mark in solo sorry just came back to wow after very long break.
SOLOBM is a different kind of Hunter’s Mark, it has some other skills as well Hunter’s Mark
thanks for the info not sure why none of them mark the targets
Deactivate all blocks except for the ENEMYMARK block and see if it works. If not try deactivate some options on wow settings.
Hey Leena. yet again you did it. I just love you macros. Just unlucked world Q’s on my hunter here, so now its time to see if i can get some gear.
One thing tho, to anyone who gets an error box from blizz telling you something about chat frame. I found that its do to the macro.
/castsequence reset=target Mend Pet, 257284, Bestial Wrath, null
Or more that you need to swap 257284 out for the name Hunter’s Mark, look to me like some wow clients do what to run with just spell id. I swaped it in the other macro to, and no more error, and just hammering around pulling left and right… Man i love this class
Anyways. Thank you again Leena, ill get back to you if something else comes up or i find something to add. So far, its like a hot knife in butter.