Leena's Beast Mastery Dark Ranger PvE/PvP/Mythic+ Update 02/07

Hey! Beautiful macro, thank you very much!

I also struggled with the Hunter’s mark macro and I think I figured out what people are struggling with :stuck_out_tongue:
You wrote " The name of the macro HAVE TO be exact the same.", So we typed in “ENEMYMARK” with the " ", removing those fixed it right away xD

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OMG, if this is the fix I will cry :sweat_smile: :rofl:


After attempting to make a gse sequence myself I have found the problem. It literally skips lines if you click too fast. But if you dont click fast it will be slow to get to lower abilities. So I dont know what to do with it.

Set the Click MS to lower numbers in GSE Options. The default is 250ms, but many people seems to have better results with 100ms or less.

Is there a way to bind shift right and left mouse clicks…thats the keys i want to use but it doesnt work when I try to bind them

I don’t think you can bind mouse clicks. I use mouse Wheel and I can combo with every SHIFT, ALT and CTRL combinations. And I also use toggled auto fire macros from my Logitech G Hub.

is the macro working? It seems to have died or something with new update today. it seems to only be tring to spam buffs and thats it

I’ve updated it 10 days ago… Are you having problems?

I love your UI, and especially “Enter Combat” announcement. Is it Weakaura, or where could I get that one or similar? Do you have Benik UI or similar to that?



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ElvUI with Wind tools and Shadow and Light!

Just some testing i did on a few BM sequences and talents.
COW CD fight length (2min)
Multi Target Rotation
orcbm MT b 1.73M
orcbm MT b 2.04M icy veins talents for DR
orcbm MT a 1.4k gaups talents.
orcbm MT a 1.39k icy veins talents for pack leader

Single Target rotation
orcbm ST b 643k gaups m+ for DR
orcbm ST b 620 Icy Veins talents for DR m+
orccbm STa 840k with icy veins talents pack leader
orccbm STa 680k with gaups talents pack leader

Leenas GSE
M+ AOE 2.03M exact same as icy veins talents except has MD
M+ ST 680k

ST 630k
MT 1.8M

ST 762k
MT 1.65M
ST 800k with ICE Veins M+ DR

SO. Summary
DEK ST gse with Icy Veins wins ST
GAUP or Leenas MT rotation with Icy Veins spec wins MT
Ty to all the work that goes into these sequences. I really appreaciate all the work.


Would be interesting show how you test it. Click MS, keybinded, wow config. Etc.
Thank you for your support testing all builds :grin:

Great work. Do you have an Macro that works for leveling? I am lvl 75 so far… :slight_smile:

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For 71 and up this will work just fine.

i noticed i takes long time till it starts use Kill Command. Sometimes more than 5-7 sequenses before the first Charge of Kill Comand is used. For the best DPS it should start immediatly after Bestial Wrath. Also Dire Beast stays long time available most of the time till it triggers. I tried with 100 and 250 MS its still the same.

Which keybind are you using? This macro needs a little bit fast taping on the keybind to optimal performance. I recommend you bind the mouse wheel up and down.
And about the Kill Command, this skill is the second priority, the main skill is Barbed Shot. When all Barbed Shot stacks are used, them Kill Command will follow.

Hey Leena,
Im so noob at this stuff lol. But I noticed a significant drop in my dps on my hunter after being away on holidays for 6 weeks. And after reading some stuff on changes and others losing dps i thought id go through the sequences that have at least been updated this year.
I run WOW on my laptop and desktop. Desktop is like 10 years old.
I use Synapse and programmed 2 of my mouse buttons to keybinds … I then have them set to 20clicks per second. I think that equate 50ms. So 10 clicks would be 100ms.
Not sure what you mean about WOW config. i run only a couple addons, and basically just use wow ui now. I dont run any weak auras either. havnt needed to really. I just have the spells i need to click in 1-5 action bar.
I have worked out how to remove auto firing COW so i either put CTRL modifier for that and ALT for my dark iron dwarf buff… and shift for silence. I prefer to fire cooldowns when i want. so in mythics i have them for boss fights or if shit goes bad with big pulls etc.
hope this helps. happy to offer any other info to help improve.

just a couple more tests with different speed

Leenas GSE
Dark Iron Hunter with Sprit pet (no lust) but used Racial Fireblood.
M+ AOE 1.8M @ 10clicks per sec (100ms) icy veins talent
M+ AOE 1.98M @ 20 Clicks (50ms) icy veins talents
M+ AOE 2.00M @ 20Clicks with Leena’s spec…
im guessing the slight variation in dps over multiple runs would be crits etc?
but consistently higher at faster clicks.

Just noticed. Stat Priority should be :
Mastery… so ive only really just gone for ilvl upgrades and not worried about 2nd stats at this stage.
And just for fun… If you dont fire off COW at start of a fight,. (fired it 10sec after start of fight) my dps dropped to 1.66M over 2 min fight…

How many rounds do you do for each of the tests? I found myself that everything below 10 times can give you faulty results. Would love to see the entire spreadsheet for tests.

lol i dont have that kind of time. Ive done them a few times each. But they all fluctuate just a little. its pretty consistent. when i have more time ill do more of each. I havnt actually tested all the ST sequences with the M+ talents. all the ST ones ive been testing with ST specs from each developers talents. Although Deks one ive tested with the M+ talents specifically and got the most dps out of that consistently. and in M+s its been working well. I did get outdone on a few scenarios by a survival hunter with similar gear.