Leena's DH Vengeance 1 Button for PvE/Mythic 2.3 #UPDATE 12/31

12/13 UPDATE

I did some adjustments to the macro and talent tree. I’ve having some problems with Infernal Strike and after some dungeons and Mythics I tweak some more, add The Hunt for first attack before entering combat, after that is out of the sequence.

12/13 UPDATE

Dis some tweaking and add Fel Devastation to the rotation. Did 95%~98% from SimC. This sequence is close to PERFECT to me right now!

11/29 UPDATE

There is a little time since I created this macro and I’ve been messing around with some sequences and analyzing videos I do from time to time and noticed how messed up my rotation get after some time. I’ve learn how to properly set a lot of cooldown sequences and manage to create the best rotation I ever had. The macro and talent tree is completely new and much better than before.
Got rid of the AOE macro, it became useless. Only the ST rotation is needed doing great damage overall and excellent survivability.

11/12 UPDATE

Complete overall, did some research about the macros and optimized everything, more simple, even more precise . The DPS got substantially better and the timing of the skills got much more precise.

First time sharing my build. I’ve been trying to find a simple macro for Vengeance DHs and got pretty disappointed not finding something more simple. So… I did it myself!
I will share what I’m using right now. This is, I expected, an build where I’d like to everyone give me tips or requests so I can improve it.

Let’s go to the build. This is a dual build, one for 1 to 3 targets focusing in the use of Soul Cleave and the other for more than 4 targets using Spirit Bomb. There is no shift or alt holding.
Now is a single build for everything*

Did 95%~%98% SimC!

First the Talent Tree:


There is no need to use the same tree. The way I spend talents points is based on what can protect or heal me more.
The talent tree is a must now. You can still change some bits of it, but tests are necessary.



How to use it? Just bind an key and spam it. This will NOT use CC’s, Fel Devastation and other situational skills. Remembering that I use this for survivability and not DPS.

Testing on dummy targets:
Coming soon


Gonna try this out today and will report back. At a glance, I do like how it’s laid out. Will let you know how it does!

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Leena, thank you so much for the hard work. I look forward to giving it a shot!

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So good for things like Delves/Open World ?

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Pretty much everything PvE. Didn’t tested it on Mythics yet.

any1 testet it in m+?

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Im not sure which “mod” it is or if you understand me. Ive tried it for a few Tmog runs. And ive noticed that it doesnt auto target, even when youre standing right next to the mob/target.

Could that be added in?

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I will add auto target. Should be pretty simple

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Auto target added, and the macro got a overall. So, delete the ones you already have and import these new ones. And give me a feedback! Anything you need I will add.

Using my build on tier 8 Delve:

just like to ask what key do u have macro on just dont see a key being spamed ? thank u

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Mouse wheel! Easier and I keep my left hand free.

Tweaked it a bit and changed the sigils to @player instead of @cursor. This will make it easier to play around without wasted casts of sigils that go wherever you have your mouse hovering.

Also added the target line to every line, a few didn’t have it.

adding modifiers for those that want them in the macro.



This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.17-a.

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I like to use the Sigils on @cursor because I can use as mob pullers

I tend to use infernal Strike or throw glaive as a puller, throw glaive causes really high threat so its great for snap aggro.

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@Leena thank you for providing a simple base macro by the way!


working very well. thanks great work

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For some reason, other GSE VENGEANCE macros work well, but this is the only one that doesn’t.
When you press the bound key, it will target, but will not do anything else.
Is there anything different from other GSE macros?

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Have you turned off the option in Troubleshooting?

Of course.
Looking at the problems of other macros, it seems that if the language is different, it may not work normally. I’m playing in the Korean-speaking world. Let’s change the language of the skills by looking through the macro you created.

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