Leena's DH Vengeance 1 Button for PvE/Mythic 2.3 #UPDATE 12/31

yeah its not a issue. just a visual thing. lol

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u have the hunt in ya rotation but not on ya talent tree ? is the talent tree in the op the same as u useing now thank for time and macro is very good thanks

I’ve changed a lot of things. This build, for now, doesn’t use The Hunt. Are you using an old version?

Im using build on the op atm so just just wondering is macro for thar talent build or another one thank u

Or is there a new macro for that talent build thank u

i dont see Hunt in the sequence or the talent build. i think your using a old sequence. also, if you are using the newest one in the OP, then make sure you delete the old one before importing. dont ever “Replace” a sequence.

@Leena can i make a suggestion, you should put the trinkets into their own block. just something Timothy tells people. lol

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Noted, I will do a update later today, some things changed

just reimported macro and talents works fantastic thank u just changed infernal strike block as i like to use my self or my cursor might be some were else on screen lol

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I’ve been having problems with Infernal Strike as well. And I did some changed to the sequence that I will update by now. You can tell me what think after that :v:t2:

Dummy Testing looks good. i put the trinkets in their own block. less “Cant use that items” messages now.

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Hey, just to know, why you’r not playing spirit bomb ? :slight_smile:

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Well… damage wise it’s good when doing AOEs with more than 5 targets, but with fewer targets the damage is mediocre… and it does less aggro than Soul Cleave and heal less too. So… I make an macro that use more Soul Cleave, keeping self healing and aggro high. But I can try make a alternative build if you want.

No it’s ok, your macro is really good like that; that was just to know why :smiley:

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