Legion 7.1.0 GS-E Simple and Viable PvE Macro

Hey all, I just thought I would add my own little contribution to the forum. This macro is mainly for when I’m having to play on my laptop at work as my frame rate and internet is rather limited. I consider it a simple and lightweight macro as my personal play style is still quite generic and I’m not a fan of everything being bound to one button even if I have to play on a heap of junk so a few abilities are on separate keys (shockwave, shield block etc).

I have also tested it in the mundanity which is LFR and HC’s, to which I would think is viable macro for most play. Please tell me what you think and develop on it as you wish!

Sequences['TopLazy'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 1123313",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Impending Victory",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam, Devastate",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Revenge, Devastate",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap, Devastate",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain, Focused Rage
/cast Impending Victory
/cast [combat] Battle Cry

Thank you Sir. Or whatever pronouns you go by (roll eyes). I will choose Boss till instructed otherwise.

[quote quote=36110]Thank you Sir. Or whatever pronouns you go by (roll eyes). I will choose Boss till instructed otherwise.

Hahaha yeah… that kinda happens to me when i’ve done a good few night shifts on the bounce. Staying professional and awake does weird things to me, being anal AF comes to mind! Anyways how was the macro?

[quote quote=36169]

Thank you Sir. Or whatever pronouns you go by (roll eyes). I will choose Boss till instructed otherwise.

Hahaha yeah… that kinda happens to me when i’ve done a good few night shifts on the bounce. Staying professional and awake does weird things to me, being anal AF comes to mind! Anyways how was the macro? [/quote]I've had to add Victory Rush for the sustain, just running world quests. I've also added Charge to it. Full disclosure this is not for me. This is for my friends' son six, who has Myotubular Myopathy. He ran his first Dungeon Sunday. My wife feared he was choking after his 1st Halls of Valour. His father said that is the sounds he makes when he laughs or giggles with is permanent tracheostomy. Well done Sir. Well done.

[quote quote=36180]

Thank you Sir. Or whatever pronouns you go by (roll eyes). I will choose Boss till instructed otherwise.

Hahaha yeah… that kinda happens to me when i’ve done a good few night shifts on the bounce. Staying professional and awake does weird things to me, being anal AF comes to mind! Anyways how was the macro?
I’ve had to add Victory Rush for the sustain, just running world quests. I’ve also added Charge to it. Full disclosure this is not for me. This is for my friends’ son six, who has Myotubular Myopathy. He ran his first Dungeon Sunday. My wife feared he was choking after his 1st Halls of Valour. His father said that is the sounds he makes when he laughs or giggles with is permanent tracheostomy. Well done Sir. Well done. [/quote]

Could you send us the changes you added?

[quote quote=36345]Could you send us the changes you added?[/quote]As requested.
Disclaimer: This is a requested modification to OPCode not an evolution to the OPCode.
Please use the Original Poster’s Code.
All credit should go to the OP.

Sequences['TopLazy'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 1123313",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] !Victory Rush",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Charge",
"/cast [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Impending Victory",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury] Shield Slam, Devastate",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Revenge, Devastate",
"/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Thunder Clap, Devastate",
"/cast [combat] Neltharion's Fury",
/castsequence [nochanneling:Neltharion's Fury,combat] Ignore Pain, Focused Rage
/cast Impending Victory
/cast [combat] Battle Cry