Legion basic Blood

I was having a similar problem, and then I realized I had removed the step-function for GS-E and hadn’t chosen priority list for the stepfunction. Here’s my version for GS-E with the stepfunction selected (also, I added consumption since it’s only on a 45sec CD and adds ridiculous survivability. I’m leveling up from 100 right now, and I basically have no need of a healer

Sequences['LegionBDK'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 1331331",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/cast [combat] Anti-Magic Shell
/cast [combat] Dancing Rune Weapon
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/cancelaura Wraith Walk
"/cast Consumption",
"/cast Blood Boil",
"/cast Marrowrend",
"/cast Death Strike",
"/cast Heart Strike",
"/castsequence Marrowrend, Marrowrend, Death Strike",
"/castsequence Blood Boil, Heart Strike, Heart Strike",

Consumption should be on a seperate key-bind only used with several mobs in front of you for a “oh crap” button. Blood Strike heals for more and does more dmg on boss fight’s/single target vs Consumption.

You will feel god like leveling and at early content till you get to harder hitting mobs in Mythics/mythic+'s. Sheer survivability wise for tanks currently Prot warrior is tops with ignore pain to the point I’m worried they will nerf it and break the class if they mess up how much they nerf it.

Your talent’s even if running Bonestorm for 5 mans should be 2,1,1,2, for the first 4 Tier’s.

I will stand by my belief that running any macro currently on Non-GS-E is more reliable. The issue I have run into w/ several macro’s on GS-E is not a simple Static priority issue. I tested it for a few hours on training dummies prior.

Adding 1 artifact ability to the post macro does not make a macro I wrote yours. Adjust it if you wish but posting a macro I wrote claiming you wrote it is crap.

Start your own thread or simply state “I added consumption to YOUR macro since I like it there”. Such behavior makes me not wish to share any further macro revisions.

Hopefully you do continue to spool out your macros regardless. I’ve only had a chance to use your prot pally and the blood DK so far but they do the business and then some. Levelling my DK was a breeze, and I tried quite a few macros and variants before loving yours to bits. I’m still using the 110 version with the only mod being a ctrl modifier that I use to fire off consumption when needed, but until I have time to mess about with it a bit more I can honestly say I haven’t died once while using them. Yeah, ok, except that knockback off the edge of a large rock in highmountain… but that was simulated physics, not a macro fail :wink:

Keep it up somenoob \o/

Hi Somenoob,

I’m sorry to be “that guy”, but I was hoping you or someone else could help me to add your macro into GS-E. I’ve just recently started playing WoW again after having taken a year and a half break. Back then I was using Macro Toolkit, which is much easier to use.

I wanted to start playing my 100 DK and came across your macro. Problem is GS-E looks so much more complicated than what I am used to and was hoping for some help. I’ve watched some youtube videos but they always show how to use the default ones and never how to paste a macro that you get from this site.

I’m sure I sound like a noob, but any help would be greatly appreciated.