yea got it, i wrote with the sign ~ in the variable box, without it did take them, but idk, i dont get it to work its messing up all around, did so many changes and tryed things out, but idk im to bad to make this work xD
Hi Borland, thanks for all the hard work. Can you look at talents as none of the options work, they say they are all out of date?
Hi, use this one.
Macro at top is updated and its the PTA i use. The other 2 is not updated.
Best regards
Hey are you possibly going to be making a macro for the Standard Raid/Defensive build with these talents? It would be super helpful to have!!!
Yo, ofc i can do that. Here is what i made now and it has exactly talents you asked for. Mods in description. Macro uses Purify and Celestial auto.
Defensives, Black Ox and cc you have to use on your own.
Usage Information
Mods in macro:
ALT= Weapons of Order
SHIFT= @cursor Ring of Peace
CTRL= Summon White Tiger Statue
This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.67-PatronBuild.
@Borland1891_2325 nice work.
Question⌠What speed do you use for your macro now and whatâs your world ms ingame?
All macros i make i use at 100ms. My ingame world ms is 29ms.
Best regards