Macro that targets enemy players and cast dots


I wanted to make a spam macro that casts this
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction

and then targets next enemy player and begins the castsequence again.

Is that possible? How can i do it.

Thanks a lot.

Yes - it requires a sofisticated process called “you be the macro and play the game”.

Macros can’t do a few things any more - target enemy players. A macro can be asked to choose a target but it can’t distinguish whether it’s a player or not. It may also select the immediate target or one out of range.

You also can’t get it to do 5 things then reset the target. WoW wants you the player making those choices not a mod or macro.

To achieve what you are wanting you are going to have to micro manage your macro and makes these choices for it.


Thank you, I just thougt that because I can keybind target nearest enemy player in the wow menu I could put that in the macro.

That’s… not entirely true. It can’t target players, but it can change targets for PVE.

You can make two variables, for example, calling them Target and Switch

Set up the actions in this order:

Target variable:
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
– You would put this as ~ ~Target~ ~ (without space between tilde) on the first action, before the ‘/cast Action’ part.

Switch variable:

1st Action:
~ ~Target~ ~
/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction

Add a GCD pause

2nd Action:
/cast [nochanneling] Agony

Add a GCD pause

3rd Action:
/cast [nochanneling] Corruption

Add a GCD pause

4th Action, just put the Switch variable:
~ ~Switch~ ~

So, the whole macro would look like this:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction
GCD pause
/cast [nochanneling] Agony
GCD pause
/cast [nochanneling] Corruption
GCD pause

This small macro will happily cycle targets using the game’s built-in switches, and run it on 250ms.
The only issues here are that Unstable Affliction can only be cast on a single target at a time, and it chooses targets in a cone within 40m of where your character is facing which could repeat the same target.

So, it’s doable, just not smart.


Looking at switches on Wowpedia, this might work with /targetenemyplayer [noharm][dead], and /targetenemyplayer as variables instead of /targetenemy.

What I meant is targetenemy can’t distinguish between players and mobs. It will just grab an enemy. I havnt seen targetenemyplayer before - that could be useful.

You also can’t run a castsequence then swap enemy at the end in the way he is describing.

Making it casts with pauses works around that but Pauses won’t take into account haste changes in a burst like bloodlust. And if the external ms isn’t setup and fixed all the timing will be off and it becomes hit and miss. This may be very important in PVP.

Casts also won’t reset the sequence if a player dies.

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Well thank you very much sir. It works great.
And with the /targetenemyplayer works for PVP too, and Unstable Affliction can be used on up to 3 players.
The macro it does its job on bgs and with Malefic Rapture as a mod can score some kills.