Make Catweaving Great Again™

A simple catweaving macro, with 4 different modes. Each mode will focus on keeping moonfire, sunfire and rake on the target.

As this is a Catweaving macro, the only requirement for talents is that you have the Feral Affinity selected in your level 30 talent tree.

The normal macro will cast Rip at 5 stacks and use a single target rotation. (Best on bosses with no adds)

The Shift Mod will cast Ferocious Bite at 5 stacks, and prioritize an AoE rotation. (Best for small packs that die fast)

The Alt Mod will cast Rip at 5 stacks and Prioritizes an AoE rotation. (Best for packs with a bigger mob that will live longer)

The ctrl mod will cast Ferocious Bite at 5 stacks, and Prioritize a single target rotation (Best for single mobs that wont live long enough to benefit from using Rip.



Talents: ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.31.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Moonfire, Sunfire, Prowl, Cat Form

Main Sequence: Moonfire, Rip, Sunfire, Shred, Ferocious Bite, Swipe, Rake