Marksmanship WAR WITHIN 11.0

remove it in all blocks ??

i dont have that issue and dont have a vulpera. works smoothly and in top dps.

feels like the macro not cykle as it do on bm idk

and i use the gse string on top of site what talents u use idk if i use new ones tbh

i use Sentinal and i use the same sequence string in OP

Hi, can i know how do i stop auto hitting on random targets. have been facing this issue.

I posted a few days ago how to fix it. I had the same exact issue. Even deleting the combat part of each spell i would still auto target. What i wrote up top fixes it.

Hi, i tried your way but the macro is not firing. able to send me a ss on how you input it? thanks

:dragon_face:I find the macro doesn’t work when I /reload or first login, switching specs from BM and back to Marks fixes it for some reason, so try switching if other macros are working for you. :bow_and_arrow:

ALl this macro does now is try to summon a pet
 any reason why?

you only need your pet for (and even then maybe not) for outside stuff. any runs you shouldnt use a pet.

I know that, but first, you get an e
rror that this macro isn’t made for this version of the game and then all it does it fire a spell then spam the “whistle” noise trying to summon a pet over and over and over and over

You might need to reimport the sequence. I use this and I’m not getting any errors or whistling.

Same error when re-imported, but whistle is gone and its firing. odd

It doesn’t cast Hunter’s Mark for me. And the engage macro not working like supposed to. Other than that seems like its working fine

Yes, Hunters mark is manually cast only on boss mobs, since you lose DPS in packs otherwise.

Just manually summon a pet of choice before you pull, lust pet or otherwise works well and start big pumping! :melting_face:

Is the macro provided for the action bar to start the sequence?

Hi from all the testing and fights I have done using this , the steady focus buff seems not to be priotised and I generally bring it in manually , is this as intended ?

:dragon:Changed to be x1 steady shot instead of chaining x2, so far more enjoyable coming in 11.0.5
 until then I talent elsewhere (killshot or Sidewinders provides the buff) :bow_and_arrow: