I’ll make a little clip and send it to you
Yeah that seem to do the trick as of right now for me. Ill keep testing
updates: eruption uptime when ebon might is active increased and hopefully the clipping of empowered spells is minimized
Thanks mate, i will test it
Using this to start m+, works slick so far. Will let ya know how far i get with it and if I make any adjustments ! Thanks for the macro work!
made some improvements to use empowered spells first with ebon might active
some test in raid with low gear and most damage comes from others, so its high and low
hello i have one small issue and dont know if you can help me in any way, i use those macros and they work for most of time, but sometimes due to some variable FB and Upheaval cancels casts (or fails to cast), tried changing so my button presses are less frequent and i have 80ms on pressed and 80 on released button, but still it sometimes fails
80 is maybe too fast, try with 150
150ms is the sweet spot. Also within the macro there is parts that you need to change to the English version. after you do that it wont cancel the cast
80 on press and release so 160ms between clicks
could you tell me what part it is and to what i should change it ?
the nochanneling name for the two emporered spells
hi whats the german word that needs to be translated?
there is:
/cast [nochanneling:Feueratem] Emporstoßen
/cast [nochanneling:Emporstoßen] Feueratem
Feueratem = Fire Breath
Emporstoßen = Upheaval
may I just check which power is “Verflochtene Fäden”? thanks
Interwoven Threads
I am just returning to Evoker and this seems excellent and thank you for making it. The macro set I used to get to 3K last season seems to be gone and I had adjusted bits of it to suit my playstyle, but one of the main things I found great for quality of life, was that I had placed Black Attunement somewhere in the conditions so that if I used Bronze for movement, as soon as I started combat again, it went to Black, instead of having to change it all the time. Is there a way to do that easily?
This is the macro that can be used to with a spell, so it changes stance back for example if you use Hover:
- /cast [nostance:1] Black Attunement
I had it in the macro variables somewhere but can’t seem to get it to work again.
Found out how to do it, which just negated my entire question, but I will leave it here if you find it useful for your Macro.
thanks, great it worked. My macro only contain spells that are doing damage, that is why all the utility is not included, but that should not affect the macro.
I can never get a variable to work after i add it in. How do you make that work?
could be keybind to other things. try check options and remove all keybinds with shift, alt and control