MMA Hunter BM DPS 24.09.21

HI, ok i will forward this and will check why the translation does not work.

Same thing here with it being in German as I imported it to check check out the new GSE3.

I imported this and it was in German but its not hard to translate and change.
Macro works really good and it does damage around my dps level. Im 203 ilevel and do around 3,5k dps with this ST. Im happy :slight_smile:
Ty for your work.


i will export this tonight with english client, i think that translation issue cant be solved at the moment.

This macro keeps spamming the error “I need a target, can’t find a target” even when fighting something.

Hi, i made a update, please try again

Complete rework of the macro, please try out.

do we have english version plz

Rewritten the macros, please check if it works now

What ms do you run with this one?

There is no specific speed that you need. Its safe to use something over 250ms, but you need to test for yourselves.


Single Target works

AOE does not work it does not translate :slight_smile:

nothing i can fix, mehrfachschuss is multishot, copy st and then rebuild

English Aoe ```

## Usage Information

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.0.48.