Moon's Combat Rogue - Shoot The Cannons!

I changed up one thing from your macro and dps pushed to close to 20k on testing dummys. I changed the Priority list from what you had to 1 12 123 and it shot up my dps for some reason

Yea that’s due to SND, even in SL, SND was always complicated no matter who was the macro author.

Druid one I think is solid, but because Druids don’t have a SND type mechanic, Kitties are much easier to macro.

That’s really good, I’ll try that out today and if does, I’ll post an update :slight_smile: Thank you for that.

EDIT - @NoMu_Gaming Massive Improvement on DPS, I saw about 3k DPS more just by changing that on a dummy. I’ll post the update in the OP, thank you for looking into the matter :slight_smile:

Hi All

I updated the OP with the newest version that includes @NoMu_Gaming rotation updates, now DPS is even bigger.

Hey. Thanks for macro.

Could you post a screenshot with a talent tree?
When i’m importing your load out (BQQAOB/7AZ//CwQOf4fPMswHVDAAUSAJBIJJRSLJJQgEJSAkIAAAAAAAJBpRJJgkkSAAAA) i have 10 unspend poins

Go to WoWHead and import the code.

Blizzard is having issues with some talents, that’s why it’s showing out of date or something like that. Also, the initial import code came from WoWHead, so your best bet is to look there.

Just to update everyone, I am hoping by the end of next week to have Rogue’s done. I got this to work well so far with Ghostly Strike if chosen. My intention this time because there are only a few builds available is to add the talents from these builds and all you have to do is swap talents and not have to code the macro.

There are some changes that will improve the DPS and a more flow way that includes the 3 Pistol Shots. Also, Echoing Reprimand which was great at 60 is no longer chosen by most raiders, and Shadow Dance is usually taken. So I will add that in as well. Dreadblades is no longer taken as well, so that will be replaced with Blade Rush on a modifer.

I have been getting really frustrated playing with GSE and outlaw rogues lately ahah. ITS WILD the dmg you can do. but it is so RNG or hit or miss or sometimes not casting I dont even know whats happening. Either the top dmger or the bottom its insane haha. def would be interested in seeing what other ideas people have for the class. Thanks for working on it, prob will try yours ASAP! <3 Very happy to see anyone doing work on rogue stuff, bit surprised everyone isn’t playing rogues with their potential numbers.

Outlaw and Rogues in general like Kitty Druids, are a bit rough to macro due to multiple finishers, and parameters for those finishers. Kitty Druids for example to use FB, need to have saved 50 energy, plus have 5 combo points. Druids unlike Rogues, have less energy, so they don’t have any extra resources once they do a FB. Instead WoW, makes Kitty Druids, “pool” energy by auto-attacking instead of actually performing abilities. Rogues are different, in that Rogues do not need to pool energy together because we have 200 energy, we also have abilities that give us extra combo points, which in our macro author cases it’s very difficult to make a macro that hits 7 CP all the time. Some people here have been able to create a builder and spender system, where the macro just does the building and the modifier keys (shift, alt, etc) are just used for finishing. Energy classes (Monk’s included) are difficult to make macros for, DH or BM Hunters for example are cake walk compared to these classes.

Any news on the updated version, really looking foward to it.

I should have the macro finished by tomorrow if not the next day.

Some key updates I’ll share now.

  • I removed Shiv from the rotation, surprisingly this was actually causing a DPS loss. All the guides I have read do not mention Shiv anymore in the rotation.
  • The talents are somewhat changed from the pre-patch with a focus on Hidden Opportunity, which I will tell you really helps the rotation out. It doesn’t do any DPS but helps with abilities, and smooth’s out the rotation a bit more when you don’t include Shiv. (Talents: BQQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgERSAkkEJSSCkEJRikkkkECAAAAAAQSSimUSCIBAAAA)
  • I’m adding Blade Rush, not for the charge element but more than this, and Blade Flurry can do a lot of damage. I’m seeing a lot of good coming from this talent.
  • Going to be added Shadow Dance soon, this is what I’m testing.

To also share, some other authors tend to run out of Energy and have to use Thistle Tea as a way to fix that. That is 100% a bandaid and shows that they don’t know the rotation. No guide online is stating you should ever use Thistle Tea, secondly, a Rogue has more energy than a Monk or Druid, realistically you should never be out of energy if you performed the rotation correctly by using your finishers.


In the OP I updated the macro with some assistance from @GauPanda. Everything works and the DPS might be a little lower to start out but once you ramp up you’ll see 20k DPS as well.

My recommendation is to have a slow main hand and a fast off-hand, this will help with Instant Poison but also with Sinister Strike.

The rotation is steady but will start a bit slow until you RTB more often, then you’ll see the DPS go way up.

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Just updated the OP with v4.1. Seems to fix some of the issues I was having. I think this is a good set, if anybody else wants to test it out or make something out of it, this is probably the best it’s going to be.

I was able to average about 18k DPS with it, over the course of a dungeon, and max around 26k. While this isn’t the highest that I should be getting from RaidBots, it will do the job until you get more haste.

In general, I’m on top of DPS by a large margin when doing dungeons.

You making me wanna go play rouge brother. I would like to invite you to be my Discord Moderator


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not sure what changed but v4 seems to do less dps than previous version. Appreciate the work, your macros are good.

The main thing I changed was Slice and Dice and Between the Eyes. What I mainly did was change the rotation to be SS SS PS Dispatch, instead of PS SS SS Dispatch. PS tends to not target correctly when targeting new enemies, but SS does.

I also added an extra SS at the end to make sure you do a new dispatch with 5 CP or more.

If you look in the loop area you can change it to this and see how you do:

/castsequence [stance:0] Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Dispatch, Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Dispatch, Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Dispatch, Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Dispatch, Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Dispatch, Sinister Strike

You probably will be able to squeeze in some extra DPS, but you might get a bit of a lockup. on Pistol Shot at the beginning.

I have been thinking of doing this rotation to fix some issues:

/castsequence [stance:0] Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Dispatch, Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Dispatch

Right now with the one that is in the macro and the first one, I can easily do about 19-24k DPS on average throughout the entire dungeon run. As I get more haste, I should be able to do about 35k DPS, as my combat regen will be a lot better at that point. As mentioned prior, Haste = Energy Regen, and the more Haste you have the more you will have to do either rotation.

The other solution which is has been tested and works, but is very finger consuming is to only do Sinister Strike, and never do Pistol Shot unless it procs which then guarantees a 3 combo point addition. On its own Pistol Shot doesn’t do much damage, only when it procs it does do a lot of damage. This is why I am kind of hesitant about putting Pistol Shot at the beginning as yes it does award combo points but the damage sucks unless it procs.

The major change from SL to DF is that leather gear doesn’t have as much haste on it as it did in SL, and it’s typically better now to focus on Crits over haste, or mastery.

As for moving BTE to another line, this works best like this or what can be done, is similar to what @Elfyau did in his 9.x macro which was to put BTE, and RTB on their own cast sequence, above the main rotation, I would then add Blade Rush to that to help out with the energy spend.

No way is this macro done, I’m happy with it, yes, but it does need more work and once I get some better gear I can make that judgment.

I’ll make an update tomorrow and post it up here, I’ll probably include multiple versions to run through.

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Nice. I would except but I’m just too busy. Sadly I don’t even have a guild either in game just because of the time commitment. But add me to your friends in game (Moonsorrow#1414) and we can always run stuff :slight_smile:

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Okie dokie, Merry Christmas :gift::christmas_tree:

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moon, first of all I want to wish you merry xmas. hope you spent your holidays or whatever well.

thanks for your work.
I have tested your macro for 3 days now and it works flawlessly. it gives me a top dps boost, it runs smoothly and makes absolutely no problems. this is the first time I have used someone else’s macro like in ages. ones again great work bro. I would say your macro is the best one out here by far.

can I just add the line /startattack in the first block to get autoattack or do I have to add it anywhere else?

What template 1 or 2 to use?