My improved GS-E Leveling, Raiding &/or High performance Macros:

Here are my most current rotation macros, that are designed around a fully upgraded artifact weapon.

Note: I have moved both Bestial Wrath, and Titan’s Thunder to the pre macros, from the main body of them. I find they fire off more often by doing this.

Single target: You will note that even though this is a single target macro, there is a Multi-Shot in it; I did this in order to take advantage of “Surge of the stromgod.”

Sequences['NewRBM'] = {
specID = 253,
author = "John",
helpTxt = "New Raid single target- Talent: 3212311",
PreMacro = [[
/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/cast  Bestial Wrath
/cast Titan's Thunder
"/cast A Murder of Crows",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Dire Frenzy",
"/cast Cobra Shot",
"/cast Intimidation",
"/cast Multi-Shot",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Dire Frenzy",
"/cast Cobra Shot",
PostMacro = [[
/cast Aspect of the Wild

AoE; This one is a monster I am really able to put out a lot of DPS with it.

Sequences['NewRBMAoE'] = {
specID = 253,
author = "John",
helpTxt = "New raid AoE  - Talent: 3212311",
PreMacro = [[
/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/cast  Bestial Wrath
/cast Titan's Thunder
"/cast A Murder of Crows",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Dire Frenzy",
"/cast Multi-Shot",
"/cast Intimidation",
"/cast Multi-Shot",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Dire Frenzy",
"/cast Multi-Shot",
PostMacro = [[
/cast Aspect of the Wild

It should also be noted: That Stampede is not a part of the macros. Due to its long cool down, I trigger it separately.

Sir Ewing, thanks for keeping up with with posting macros, really appropriated it. I’ve added both your macros and currently testing. I’ve made my modifications to your macros for my game play style, removed the pet growls, cobra shot and intimidation. Created alternate versions that include mend pet to both macros as I did not find a dps loss and no micro manage needed, mostly used for withered army or when Im doing WQ group.

about cobra shot, if its included i find myself focus staved way to quickly so in raid scenario its a dps loss for me but certainly more viable in heroic and mythic where AOE and Single target damage doesn’t take to long to kill something. I’ve mentioned this in another BM post.

this is all my personal opinion and play style I like, Kudos to you for this macro.

***Update, so after using the modification macros I made 2 things I noticed. First Mutlishot in the single target rotation is just about the same as using cobra shot, thinking about it now in the single target macro theres cobra shot and multishot, how are you able to keep your focus.

the other thing for me the macro needs “/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]” otherwise while doing world quests or withered army type stuff when you are pulling mob after mob and grouping them up, the pet doesnt focus on what you have targeted, pet will stay on first target or it will be delayed a take a moment for it to eventually catch up to your new target/targets or just stand by your side and do nothing at times.

this could be just attributed to using AHK making the macro more Highspeed, I havent tried button smashing the macro.

[quote quote=35804]Sir Ewing, thanks for keeping up with with posting macros, really appropriated it. I’ve added both your macros and currently testing. I’ve made my modifications to your macros for my game play style, removed the pet growls, cobra shot and intimidation. Created alternate versions that include mend pet to both macros as I did not find a dps loss and no micro manage needed, mostly used for withered army or when Im doing WQ group.
about cobra shot, if its included i find myself focus staved way to quickly so in raid scenario its a dps loss for me but certainly more viable in heroic and mythic where AOE and Single target damage doesn’t take to long to kill something. I’ve mentioned this in another BM post.
this is all my personal opinion and play style I like, Kudos to you for this macro.
***Update, so after using the modification macros I made 2 things I noticed. First Mutlishot in the single target rotation is just about the same as using cobra shot, thinking about it now in the single target macro theres cobra shot and multishot, how are you able to keep your focus.
the other thing for me the macro needs “/targetenemy [noharm][dead] /petattack [@target,harm]” otherwise while doing world quests or withered army type stuff when you are pulling mob after mob and grouping them up, the pet doesnt focus on what you have targeted, pet will stay on first target or it will be delayed a take a moment for it to eventually catch up to your new target/targets or just stand by your side and do nothing at times.
this could be just attributed to using AHK making the macro more Highspeed, I havent tried button smashing the macro.

I am a Blood Elf, and “Arcane Torrent” is a big help with focus. But I really don’t have to use it that much, as part of focus management is good focus regen timing in the spamming these macros.

Edit: My use of “Intimidation” in these macro, is a low focus, “Filler” that helps with focus regen timing.

In regards to targeting I use a separate targeting macro, as it gives me better pet control. Here it is again:

[quote quote=33624]The following group of macros are non-GS-E macros that you may find helpful:

Here is my targeting and attack macro, based on a macro posted by Glamrockcop in my old thread. I have it hot keyed to a button that I can toggle easily with my thumb. Note: This is very helpful for any of the pet classes.

/cleartarget [dead] /assist [@focus,exists][@pet,exists] /targetenemy [noharm][noexists] /petassist

This one I call pet return, I find it very helpful, to bring my pet to heel when it runs off on a tangent. It is also very helpful for any of the pet classes.


Lastly here is my feed pet macro, that uses the above bag slot coding. I keep the the favorate food of whichever pet I am using in bag 0 slot 1.

#showtooltip Feed Pet
/cast Feed Pet
/use 0 1

Hey there Ewing

I’ve just imported your macros and wanted to ask a couple of questions.

My weapon doesn’t have Titan’s Thunder yet will this cause a problem.

Secondly I’ve been using the target dummies and generally running around hitting stuff but Beastial Wrath doesn’t seem to have fired once.

Can you give me any pointers.

I’m currently using a razer mouse with a keybind to spam the macro so I don’t know if that would cause a problem.



[quote quote=36041]Hey there Ewing
I’ve just imported your macros and wanted to ask a couple of questions.
My weapon doesn’t have Titan’s Thunder yet will this cause a problem.
Secondly I’ve been using the target dummies and generally running around hitting stuff but Beastial Wrath doesn’t seem to have fired once.
Can you give me any pointers.
I’m currently using a razer mouse with a keybind to spam the macro so I don’t know if that would cause a problem.

It will not be a problem. the nice thing about GS-E macros over normal one, it will just skip the Titan’s Thunder line and will not freeze up.

Thanks Ewing

Any ideas what Beastial Wrath isn’t firing though?



it’s spelled wrong, just add an " a " and it’ll work.

In the spell book it is spelled “Bestial Wrath” not “Beastial Wrath” so in the macro it needs to read “Bestial Wrath,” or it will not work.

I was playing with this last night and moved the /cast Bestial Wrath from the pre macro to the rotation “/cast Bestial Wrath”, and it’s working fine now and firing as it should.

Thanks I can’t believe I didn’t see that

Ewing, how much of a dps increase are you seeing with multi-shot and the surge proc in the single target macro?

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I am not one who puts much credence in numbers and DPS percentages from static target dummies, as the real test is actual raid performance. I am finding a big improvement in my single target DPS with this new shot rotation, that takes advantage of “Surge of the stromgod.” I have gone from being 7th or 8th in DPS in my guild’s 20 man raids to 3rd or 4th. depending on the boss.

If you are experiencing high focus drain with that macro you might want to try this variant of it.

Sequences['BMS1'] = {
specID = 253,
author = "Ewing",
helpTxt = "New Raid single target- Talent: 3212311",
PreMacro = [[
/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix
/petautocastoff [group] Growl
/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl
/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection
/cast  Bestial Wrath
/cast Titan's Thunder
"/cast A Murder of Crows",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Dire Frenzy",
"/cast Cobra Shot",
"/cast Intimidation",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Dire Frenzy",
"/cast Multi-Shot",
PostMacro = [[
/cast Aspect of the Wild

The macro above is awesome! ^^ Thanks Sir_Ewing!

Thanks for responding Ewing. Is Dire Frenzy just a talent that you personally like using? Everything I’ve read says to take Stomp in that talent tier.

There is a reason I don’t run out of focus using my macros. Dire Frenzy’s Focus Regen! By itself Stomp may appear to do more damage; When Dire Frenzy is used in combination with Dire Stable, Bestial Fury, and our “Fully” upgraded Weapon, it gives the best overall DPS in raids. Besides if I want to use stomp I will just take out one of my tanking pets and use Thunder Stomp.

Dire Frenzy and Dire Beast both generate the same amout of Focus

EDIT: no they dont ^^

Dire Beast 12 sec CD = 12 Focus over 8 Sec.
Dire Frenzy 15 sec CD = 25 Focus instant

If you don’t have your weapon fully upgraded yet, do you still recommend dire frenzy?

Yes: For the focus regen if nothing else. Expressly if you are going to use any of my macros, as they are all designed around the combination of Dire Frenzy, Dire Stable, and Bestial Fury.

Love your improved macros just have a question why does it not target anything you have to manually target that’s ok just sucks for aoe can that be added

Because of changes Blizzard has made to our pets’ AI, I find having targeting in our shot rotation macros very problematic, when our current targets have died. This is particularly an issue when we are spamming the macros, causing our pets running off and attacking random targets. So I use a separate targeting macro, that I have hot keyed to a button that I can toggle easily with my thumb. This gives me a lot more control over my pet.

Here is my targeting and attack macro, based on a macro posted by Glamrockcop in my old thread. Note: This is very helpful for any of the pet classes.

/cleartarget [dead]
/assist [@focus,exists][@pet,exists]
/targetenemy [noharm][noexists]

It is just a normal non GS-E macro. “This clears any dead target you have - - - . Then if you have a focus it will set your target to the same target they have. If you don’t have a focus it will target your pets target if they have one. If neither of these have a target then it will just target the nearest enemy. Then finally it puts your pet in assist.”

Edit: Forgot To add; When in groups, since you already have the tank as your set focuse for the misdirect in my rotation macros; You will always be targeting the tank’s target.