my macro for 7.2.5

36 Stcuk Uber Strike my ilvl 875

Sequences['Brew'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "3.x.1.x.1.1.x",
  Help = [[Talents: 3.x.1.x.1.1.x]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Expel Harm",
        "/cast Chi Wave",
        "/cast [combat] Blackout Strike",
        "/cast Keg Smash",
        "/cast [nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",
        "/cast [combat] Tiger Palm",
        "/cast [combat] Keg Smash",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",

36 stack

I don’t see Uber Strike on my talents/spells? is that an ability from Legendary item?

uber strike is a buff the tanking Dummy gets, the more stacks the dummy gets the harder it hits you for. pretty much it increases the dummy damage it does towards you.

Getting the dummy to 36 stacks is pretty impressive for a macro of course. the highest i gone for was 200 on my blood Death knight but i stopped since it got boring. (which was when legion released" now i bet people can get even higher now that it is 7.2.5

Full credit to Max Gromov, I added both Brews with modifiers and Exploding Keg
ALT - Ironskin Brew, CONTROL - Purifying Brew, SHIFT - Exploding Keg
Please clear your Key Bindings for Alt, Control, Shift

Sequences['Brew'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.02.
  Talents = "3.x.1.x.1.1.x",
  Help = [[Talents: 3.x.1.x.1.1.x]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [combat, mod:alt] Ironskin Brew",
        "/cast [combat, mod:ctrl] Purifying Brew",
        "/cast [combat, @player, mod:shift] Exploding Keg",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Expel Harm",
        "/cast Chi Wave",
        "/cast [combat] Blackout Strike",
        "/cast Keg Smash",
        "/cast [nochanneling,talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",
        "/cast [combat] Tiger Palm",
        "/cast [combat] Keg Smash",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",

im gonna try it now ben lookin for a bm macro

Looking at most people with high dps on Brewmasters, most don’t take chi wave, do you think its better?

" most peopl " dont use lazzymacro ^^ - yes man read patch note chi got buffed - if you dont want use it just remove it from the macro and use what ever you want :slight_smile: