My new simple MM Macro and Aoe no addons needed. 6.0.3 lvl 100

Talents 1,1,3,1,1,3,1

At 100 with 120 focus This is working very well for me 15k to 16K easy in heroics. Close to 20K now that i am ilvl 630 with full buffs in a Dungee. I usually have a flask and food also.

Single Target. Optional if things are right or my position is right i will open with Barrage and weave it after 2 Steadies when off CD with no focus starve, maybe throw in a extra steady. Even without Barrage I am getting high numbers.

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/Use rapid fire
/castsequence reset=5 Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=9 !Chimaera Shot
/castsequence reset=60 A Murder Of Crows
/use 14
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

I Keybind Killshot and use it when available. Still not sure if it fires off in a macro I have no issues doing it Manually.


/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [harm]reset=5 multi-shot,multi-shot,steady shot,steady shot,multi-shot,multi-shot,steady shot,steady shot

Optionally weaving in Barrage.

I single target most fights unless Its a trash pack Don’t feel like Multi shot does much.
I also use explosive trap as much as possible for what it’s worth doesn’t take much to cast it if you have the button set up.
I also use Exotic munitions Incendiary Arrow seems to give me the most DPS.

2129572 Damage 16,349 DPS on a lvl 102 Dummy Without barrage or Killshot.

Screencap of Test

any new updates on this , ilvl 627 and hitting @ 12-13k on dummie . struggling a bit really

it can lock up if i manually cast barrage then chimara right after so have to steady shot a few times so ive tried to stop that and trust in the macro firing chimera off asap . stuck between lonewolf or exotic munitions . would you swap to the poison one for bosses or stick to the fire one . pretty new to hunters . this does seem to have a lot of promise now :smiley:

I stick with exotic munitions actually I gave up barrage and started using Glaive to be safe. I had the same issue as you. I could start with barrage and go a full rotation but after that would have to throw in a extra two steadies after barrage. You may like my new macro with Glaive?

Sorry I forgot I changed the rotation around this is my new Macro you will need the Toolkit addon to extend the macro text.

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/use rapid fire
/castsequence reset=5 Chimaera Shot,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=15 Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=60 A Murder Of Crows
/use 14
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Even with the prior Macro if I just skipped Barrage I would get good numbers. I decided to try Glaive Just for a little extra umph, and to save some grief because it can pull a lot of adds. I can not get away from EM using incendiary arrow. Especially in Dungeons it gives you that little extra on trash packs. I am planning on trying the poison shot in the future or for a definite single target and Lone wolf for raids because You really don’t need a pet for the buff. I am just getting into raids so I haven’t used Lone Wolf yet I did play with it when I first hit 100 The damage is about the same as having a pet. Also I find having a pet handy in fights with adds. I think LW will be the goto for raiders eventually. Really depends on your play style also do whats fun I like being able to spice up my arrows and still like having a pet around. I use a wolf or serpent the most for buffs in heroics. Most people cover the rest. Also keep in mind if someone forgets to buff you can have your pet to cover your ass, for example I use my wolf a lot for the crit. A Gorilla was my first choice because of the agility increase but with better gear I have switched for all crit. And I find Furious howl to be needed in most runs I do for some reason the crit buff isn’t there most times.

Here is a screen cap of a recent test on the dummy with my macro I am at 640 ilvl now. Averaged 16K.

If you really like barrage try this one out it works very well.

cool , will try it out currently sitting at 632 ilvl . and yes ! barrage gets you into a lot of bother XD sitting @ 14k with ammo and 15k with lone wolf with this . i am lower ivl so pretty much spot on with numbers there . well done cool macro . other macros are just too “busy” and gnome isnt to everyone cup of tea since it seem tricky to set up at first . i have gnome running for my BM monk and did have a hunter one but thats now been made redundant :smiley:

joined a new guild and they invited me to last boss of highmaul progression run . we didnt kill but got to phase 3 and my dps was on par with the other 2 hunters which have 10 ilvls higher than me but on Hrc 1st boss i was bottom of the dps pile . im still pretty happy . once again good macro i stayed using the original one you gave as im pretty used to weaving barrage in and steady shotting as and when . MoC however goes off once and has to be manually pressed after so for that boss fight previously mentioned i went with stampede as i could manage the cooldown easier might have been more dps if i had stuck and put up with MoC lol .