My simplified macro's

i seen your auto hot key im confused you said for keys 1 2 3 what are those keys represent the 1 2 3 im a bit confused sorry

Those are the keys I use for my macros. You can use any keys you want, or just one key, just change the numbers.

you dont like the arcane shot build you like side winders?

Quick Question Ron? why does the 2 you posted have different Talent on the 5th talent?

One is for single target the other is for AoE

I thought volley was the go to are now its whaat all the mm hunters use in raids

It is now, it wasn’t when I made those. I have changed my own to the new changes, but I am still working out the bus. That’s why I haven’t posted an updated version.

Can you post an updated version soon please? I want to try it out with the update.