My thoughts on current state of BM talents and builds

Thanks for the info Gween.

Thanks for the Macros Gween, Love them!

Hello I was just wondering if there was any chance of posting a AoE version of this macro. I have tried and tried to mess with the mod to get into AoE version of this macro but it wont work for me for some reason. I absolutley love this macro and spec but defintley need a AoE version to keep. Tyvm for all you guys do.

Sequences[‘GweenMulti’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
Author=“Gweenn@Bleeding Hollow”,
Talents = “3111332”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix”,
“/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend”,
“/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection”,
“/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath”,
“/cast [combat] Blood Fury”,
“/cast [combat] Aspect of the Wild”,
“/cast [mod:shift] Counter Shot”,
“/cast [mod:shift] Intimidation”,
“/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Binding Shot”,
“/cast !Volley”,
“/petautocastoff [group] Growl”,
“/cast Lightforged Augment Rune”,
“/cast Repurposed Fel Focuser”,
“/castsequence reset=0.5 Dire Beast, Titan’s Thunder”,
“/cast Multi-Shot”,

there is the AOE one copy it to note pad

or go here

3rd macro down

Thats not the same spec or version of the macro I dont think. Talents aernt even the same.

its the aoe version talents wont be the same

it still works fine i use it