Necro - Shadow priest, by hardCORE now with Void Torrent

I also ran the macros at 250ms but I couldn’t replicate your problem… Perhaps if you turn error messaging off in the GSE options that might help. Have you tried that?

im not getting an error message , its the character saying i need a target

You can disable that here (sounds->error speech):


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Yes this is what I was speaking about here…

Hi, I really like this macro. Thanks a lot for the great work, but I am facing a small problem and I tried to solve it but nothing I did seem to resolve the issue.
For long time whenever I use macros I either remove my CD/GCD to a separate key or modifier, therefore I deleted unholynova & Shadowfend lines from the macro and they work very well, but for some reason it keeps spamming “unholynova” in chat /say. I tried everything to resolve this issue but I don’t know what causing this to spell unholynova in chat.
I re-imported the original macro works fine, deleted these two lines from the macro got the issue again.

If any one can help me on how to tweak the macro to my play style without getting this issue I would appreciate the support.


If you look at the macro this UnholyNova is in every action block. Have you removed each one of them?

Considering the builder-spender-mentality of shadow priests I have to admit, this is an amazing macro collection that works exeptionally good. Thank you. I would love to see more from you.

Noticed that your SPAOE macro shows talent choices of: 113000?, when I imported it. I assume this has not been adjusted for the talent choices shown for the other macros?

Can it even be used properly? I tried adjusting it in game, but I am not familiar with how the setup works so ended borking the macro completely.

Please fix so I can try it out to see if it will work for me with the same talent choices shown in your discussion above.

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It works, believe me mate. Just skill as told in the other (other part of the) macro. I am only at ilvl 213 and in M+ this is shredding.

Read the first post properly.

I did read it, problem arose when I looked at the talents in the /gse frame in game. The talents marked there did not match what is in these forums. That was the reason I asked my question. I can read quite well thank you sir.

UPDATE: (11/8/2021 @2:42PM est)
So I ask again, are there updates? I can’t use the macro with the other talents chosen as you suggest. For some reason its not working very well.

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As mentioned, use the settings in the other macros for you talents with the AOE macro and everything should be fine.

Dusted off my lvl 40 priest and have had no issues with this macro which is great. Also does Void torrent cast in the sequence.

Not releaseBurning Nightmare