Need help with macro

The only thing that goes off are Hungering Rune Wep ,Pillar of Frost and Blinding Sleet then my character sits there auto attacking.

Posting the macro you’re trying to use for the BoS build you are having trouble with might help us help you better :slight_smile:

Sequences[‘FFDK’] = {
Talents = “3322232”,StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/Cast [combat] Hungering Rune Weapon
/Cast [combat] Pillar of Frost
/Cast [combat] Blinding Sleet
“/cast [combat] Obliterate”,
“/cast [combat] Horn of Winter”,
“/cast [combat] Obliterate”,
“/Cast [combat] Sindragosa’s Fury”,
“/cast [combat] Remorseless Winter”,
“/cast [combat] Frost Strike”,
“/cast [combat] Obliterate”,
“/cast [combat] Frost Strike”,
“/cast [combat] Horn ofWinter”,
“/castsequence [combat] reset=target Obliterate, Frost Strike, Frost Strike, Obliterate”,
“/castsequence [combat] reset=target Obliterate, Remorseless Winter, Frost Strike, Frost Strike”,
“/cast [combat] Obliterate”,
“/cast [combat] Remorseless Winter”,
“/cast [combat] Frost Strike”,
“/cast [combat] Obliterate”,
“/cast [combat] Frost Strike”,
“/cast [combat] Horn ofWinter”,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat] 0 1
/Use [combat] 13
/Use [combat] 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();

lol totally forgot

Are you using the older GS or are you trying to use GSE for this?

This is the older GS while GSE doesn’t use that stepfunction since it’s inbuilt

the old GS


It’s been a while since i played with the older version but i have corrected a number of errors from what you posted:

Sequences['FFDK'] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
"/cast [combat] Obliterate",
"/cast [combat] Horn of Winter",
"/cast [combat] Obliterate",
"/cast [combat] Sindragosa's Fury",
"/cast [combat] Remorseless Winter",
"/cast [combat] Frost Strike",
"/cast [combat] Obliterate",
"/cast [combat] Frost Strike",
"/cast [combat] Horn of Winter",
"/castsequence [combat] reset=target Obliterate, Frost Strike, Frost Strike, Obliterate",
"/castsequence [combat] reset=target Obliterate, Remorseless Winter, Frost Strike, Frost Strike",
"/cast [combat] Obliterate",
"/cast [combat] Remorseless Winter",
"/cast [combat] Frost Strike",
"/cast [combat] Obliterate",
"/cast [combat] Frost Strike",
"/cast [combat] Horn of Winter",
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Pillar of Frost
/cast [combat] Blinding Sleet
/cast [combat] Hungering Rune Weapon
/Use [combat] 13
/Use [combat] 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();

In the old GS you couldn’t get away with adding in the talents nor commenting out the spec id… it doesn’t recognise this and would break the macro:

Sequences[‘FFDK’] = {
Talents = “3322232”,StepFunction = [[<<<<< Also Talents not being commented out like the spec id would cause issues, again it can’t translate it.

You could do

--SpecID=251 - Frost DK - 3322232

Sequences['FFDK'] = {
StepFunction = [[

This would work.

Also i fixed your other Horn of Winter lines.
In the 2 below the original you have it as Horn ofWinter

Also for testing purposes to make sure it works, i removed the /use 0 1 you had just to see if it will also fire the rest of the macro in.
May need 2 lines for this as /use 0 and then /use 1 for the head and neck under that.

thanks and yea all my macros is older GS xD

Im still having the asme problem. The premacro goes off then nothing else

The macro icon in-game is cycling through all the skills but none would fire off

Ok it works now. I have updated my re-post and i have also tested it out.

so you will need to use some skills like Howling Blast and Breath of Sindragosa manually but i am sure you’re aware of that :slight_smile:

In PreMacro you cannot have anything which is on the GCD or timer as it will lock up the macro until it’s ready again. I have moved these instead to PostMacro and it’s all firing off.

Blinding Sleet is the only spell which is hit or miss when it’s used but Hungering and Pillar hit when they come off cooldown.

Bursts ok then sustains down to 650k DPS for me for a small quick test

thanks so much