Nickfury's WW Macro Spam Away

Will post it in here for you as soon as i have it running

Test Macro is up as promised please give it a try and lets get that feedback. I will say I noticed about a 30-40k higher sustained dps over the original but lets hear what its doing you for you ladies and gents.

You will want to remove the Blood Fury cast line if you are not orc leave everything else and MATCH YOUR TALENTS TO THE BUILD good luck and look forward to hearing from you all

Ok just tested it and only Invoke Xuen, the White fires off only all the other times he’s just auto attacking nothing else fires off.

Works fine for me at 140ms.
ilvl 897
2.2mil burst
Settles to about 700,000
Nice job

But you have SEF listed in macro, with that talent being serenity. are you running serenity or no?

Yes my talents are 3233123 using the main spell will always use The converted version as well so SEF is using serenity

Jeff Hughes is that 0.140ms on razor synapse?

Julian did you get the macro to start firing for you?

Yes I did Nick.

Can I ask what the problem was?

Man, this macro is solid!!!

I love it

I play a monk and I added my trait and for some reason it just would not fire anything off with it in the macro

[quote quote=48948]I play a monk and I added my trait and for some reason it just would not fire anything off with it in the macro
which ability are you referring to?

[quote quote=48943]Jeff Hughes is that 0.140ms on razor synapse?

Yes sir.

This macro is great. But sometimes when I use spinning crane kick it hangs the macro up and I need to manually tiger palm before using it again.

take it out put on sep. key

Let me first say that I have never used a macro on my monk as I main MW.
Trying WW for the first time on a hurry I decided to grab the first macro I could and by fate I chose this one.

I am using the “test” build and man, let me tell you, my hat’s off to you.

On single target I burst initially close to 1.8M or 1.9M and it averages out to 600k aprox.

I changes Earth, Fire thingy for Serenity, it is working like a charm.

You guys did a great job!

can you remove the line for invoke xuen ? pain in the arse popping in on trash :smiley: never on CD for bosses haha

i mean, is it safe for us to remove it lol , not demanding you remove it sorry lol

[quote quote=50588]can you remove the line for invoke xuen ? pain in the arse popping in on trash ??? never on CD for bosses haha

I’ve put in a Modifier for you, just hold alt when you want your tiger now :wink: