[nTx] The best way to ZUG ZUG [Level 70] [Warrior] [Arms] [Dragonflight]

/castsequence reset=combat Defensive Stance, Ignore Pain, Battle Stance

It will go into Defensive stance, pop ignore pain and the next time you use it you go back to battle stance

I am having issues with the charge macro. How do i take it out of the rotation on key press.

I would like to bind it to shift + macro = charge at mouseover target only

the gse list has been amazing and i have ran plus 8 at 372-375 gs

single target dps is where i am lacking the most. I am still learning to use the rotation 100% but charge has gotten me into a lot of trouble.

Change on variables

/cast [combat] charge




Hi there,

what speed do you use this on ?


That completely deppends on your latency, for example…

If youre running 50 ms, go with 150 ms on speed. Whatever is your latency, add 100.

brill thank you ! :slight_smile:

Hello nTx, really apreciate your macros.
U have a tab always open on my browser :kissing_closed_eyes:

But so, i’m from Brazil. Latency 150, should put so 250?

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Yep, you can try lower but that shoulda be the right number

Is version 2 on ST PVP?

Does this still work?

i still use it as of last night.

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