If this preforms half as good as your ret one we will all be happy.
Guys, the macro is running very well for me, but as I don’t understand anything about DK, I would like to know if it is optimized for 2 one-handed, 1 two-handed or no difference? Thanks everyone!
Does this work with 2hand? And how do i add so trinkets cast auto?
Can you tell me your talent, where can’t I find it
I’m a Chinese, but I can’t get it. Can you send me a string to import talent
作者的意思是,这个宏适用于大部分的天赋,可以自己选择去 “Talents: Please Refer to Wowhead or Icy Veins",这两个权威网站参考职业天赋
Oak is the beast, every sequences u made are flawless, ty
I run with razer also, macro and speed set to 15 dont know if its good
Mine is just stopping to use skills, any fix? the ret paly is ok.