OAK Prot Pally 8.0.1 3,1,1,2,1,2,1

This is an update of the Prot macro I’ve used pretty much throughout Legion but set to work with the changes in BFA. It seems pretty flawless to me and I’ve never an into issues. Let me know what you think…

d0ZKdaWsuu7crPTPICyLMjvvESKMnu51QIUjIQFjf3wQgNkLDQQ2ly3e2pLFIcggkYVfnqejnuQkdwy4OuheL0PPkhdvoNQWcrjwkvvTyO0YPYdvr5PqwMQ0ZrAIsjnvIAYimDsxufv9mO4YkUou1gre1wreSzIy7ik(OkQmlu10qH(oIuJerI3kHrRcJhrKtkL4ZQuDnvY5jsRerO7krFtk1ahidFoaXaRm7ZFgK9XQFW)fKbePm4ydiMNHTfst8oligjJGoulsHf0H94wDS4i1NJuQf6XQwGNowCEp9yCwWQFY8Nj7VF8wKolqhEsuYAHfwyKO8XyrFRU0c6rIhhHfunzBbPpgHfRqQf9KWtI34SWJAbB3qPdHfloCjP9e3TapDVpwKsSGyKmc6qTqpw1I1nwKsKyr6SyiZiSGHVf6XyX5oRvYAbGKxCJqPacdphph)lph)lphGADKS4XPWNdqi2tTLwH)PtaI8T6ssyCuVuqbz4ZbYWNdqn1LQwuiYEsWxZo2vlTad3TBmc)xa1uxQArHi7jbFn7yxT0c04w2hED4Jbqn1LQwuiYEsuAbgUhyUGpJaQPUu1Icr2tIslEBF1U9d4FbOM6svlkezpj4Rzh7QLw8E6Qng4Fcqn1LQwuiYEsuAXfMRhxWVnGAQlvTOqK9KGVMDSRwAXfMtmXe8VbOM6svlkezpj4Rzh7QLwC7cd8FaOM6svlkezpj4Rzh7QLwWDJrME8cFoMautDPQffISNe81SJD1slEVUoXyBaj78ephLdybqiDytY4fv1lfaYNZlDEQuaDw2XUkWcGKDEINJ(cSaiMhP(CdLcYWNdqn66Up6iMUulke5X66LfeZsuc)xa1OR7(O4wQQR7(OwuiYHK8OkLxK1SJD1sqbeZJu)hCZshqg(CaQHQRtxv36tqbKp3q(wDjidkG8LuL8T6sqguqbfqSIxpshGyyFsQ(CjEIEMUbqTutbGae5Ra)IRfHooYmc1lfalGckaaUsage Information

Keep your defenses on seperate hotkeys that use Either ALT,CTRL, or Shift.
The macro should stop when any modifier is pressed allowing usage of defenses that are off or even ON the GCD.
For instance, I have Guardian on Shift+1, Defender on Shift+4, Divine Shield on Shift+5, and BOP on Shift+6. SO, when I press shift, the macro stops and I can just use the defenses as is. Shield of the Righteous is built into the sequence.

The Sequence is set to Priority and uses abilitys in this order.

/cast [nomod,combat] Avenging Wrath
/cast [nomod,combat] Seraphim
/cast [nomod] Avenger's Shield
/cast [nomod] Judgment
/cast [nomod,combat] Consecration
/cast [nomod] Hammer of the Righteous
/cast [nomod,combat] Shield of the Righteous
/cast [nomod,combat] Hammer of Justice
/cast [nomod,combat] Light of the Protector
/cast [nomod,combat] Light's Judgment

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.01.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Hammer of Justice, Light of the Protector, Judgment, Avenging Wrath, Consecration, Light’s Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of the Righteous, Avenger’s Shield

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.