OAK Protection Paladin - TWW and Pre-Patch

Working now, much appreciatecd mate

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Updated for TWW Release and Both Hero Builds


Hold SHIFT+ALT for Eye of Tyr - If Templar Hero Build, keep holding SHIFT+ALT Until Hammer of Light Fires, then let go.

Battle Rez (Intercession) & Word of Glory Hold CTRL to Battle Rez (Intercession) your Mouseover if they’re dead. If they’re alive it casts Worrd of Glory on your Mouseover if there is one, if not, then it’ll cast it on YOU (Battle Rez requires you to have 3 holy power, so hold CTRL and mouse over the dead person until you have the Holy Power and keep holding until the Rez fires off)

Hold ALT Modifier for Turn Evil when mouseover an enemy (Undead, Aberration, Demon) or Cleanse Toxins when mouseover a friendly unit - IF TALENTED

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Hi OAK, firstival thanks for your time :pray: .
Im just wondering if it is possible to incorporate the Hekili Priority Helper addon sequence so GSE could follow it or even Weak Auras with conditions as the GSE doesnt allow conditons. Thanks again

GSE is not smart, and blizzard wont ever allow it to be smart, so it will never be able to incorporate such things as Hekili or weakauras, as that would change it to botting, and GSE is not botting. So, sorry, no…

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Thanks for the reply

I must be missing something. The Battle Rez and Word of Glory Hold CTRL mod doesnt work. While holding CTRL it actually stops my sequence. ALT seems to be working but CTRL stops my sequence so I dont generate holy power to fire off a Word of Glory or Intercession

Awesome macro!!! I did notice that, I seem to lose aggro on some of the bigger pulls. But its def a great macro.

Figured it out. I either had Discord or Nvidia overlay overwriting the CTRL key. Working beautifully now!

What did you do, ive got the same issue.

At what speed should you run it? 250ms?
Because I seem to run out of mana pretty fast due to Word of Glory.

I have not experienced running out of mana

Check all your apps running. I had Discord and Nvidia running both with an overlay that I disabled.

It happens if i spec Lightsmith, but not when i spec Templar. It seems mainly due to Word of Glory triggering allot more then. After about 3 mins I am out of mana as WoG gets cast allot. It seems maybe Shield of the Righteous gets cast more so I get more “free” WoG’s. I don’t really understand why there would be this difference.