Oak Ret Pally Macro DF 10.2.6/7 - Season 4 Update #3 - UPDATED BASIC VERSIONs (4/27/24)

Avenging wrath will never fire in V1 cause its only listed with a modifier so you have to press a mod to make it fire regardless.

Have you got the GSE import for your edit?

I have absolute BIS gear with BIS stats on my Pala. But with the macro I don’t do enough dmg.
In AOE it has a strong burst but falls off quickly.
ST doesn’t make it 80k and also falls off sharply.
Many skills don’t trigger and the mod: shift/alt are too complicated.

my pala is almost bis with 4 set bonus got like 23% crit and 22% haste vers is 22% on raid i play ST build and i do over 110k on aoe which i play M+ build OAK once i do around 200k and it fails down to 170-180k my opener is like 400k so mby the problem mate is in your build i think my il is 436 also on raids i use vers phial not dps once here we talking about heroic raid atleast. Regrads to OAK his macros are beast i wish he made DH once someday. Anyway cheers

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which version are you playing and do you have to use mods?

i play last version just make to use mods with alt only not with shiftalt thats only i change and also i dont like this ctrl mod to heal mouseover and i remove that line everything else is same like on original and i think i use version 2 where i pop my cd’s with all not the lazy once xD

can you send me your macros and the talents? I don’t know why it doesn’t work for me


I’m not sure what isn’t synergizing for you?!?

I’m 439ilvl and in ST on heroic raid I do over 100k on most fights, depending on the encounter and what mechanics choose to mess with my parse. On Echo I did 119k (mostly ST with some AOE tossed in for the adds)

I move between my all lazy version and my less lazy versions depending on how I feel in a particular evening. You know, how lazy I feel. lol I do help the lazy version when something’s not firing by using the modifiers, which is very important.

Personally, I also find better results using the Crusading Strikes builds than the Templar Strike ones. I don’t know why…

At the end of the day, it could be any number of things. Adjust your ms, toy with different builds, adjust gear, edit the macro to suit your needs, try other macros… I really make these for me and share to help others but I wont be changing the modifiers for you as these are what work for me.

I HAVE tried others macros and the ones I’ve made have been damn near perfect for me. Others may work better for others, who knows? It’s not a perfect science, its really just spamming buttons and hoping they’re hit when needed… really you can do this without a macro, lol…

Good Luck


hey Thank you all for wanting to help me.
I do not know why. Your Prot macro works wonderfully for me.
The RET does not always trigger Wakes of Ashes and Divine Toll and Blade of Justice.

heya sir i try so many difrend builds with crusader strike but still your once which i use with templar is best on ST with templar i do like 111k with crusader i do like 96k wondering which once u use and u think is better than templar rly trust me i try many builds

In raid im hitting 92-97% Parse with it.

Great macro that performs possibly even better in M+.

Love it

then I’m probably too stupid to use this macro :smiley:

Hey guys did I understand correctly that I have to press shift + alt together? or is it shift or alt?

So, for everyone who wonders…


First, yes… @Snow2 You hold SHIFT AND ALT at the same time. For Avenging Wrath, hold SHIFT AND CTRL

The Reason?

I do this as I use Alt 1 through 9 and Shift 1 through 9 as hotkeys on my hotbar.
My Hotbar:
I use the shit keys (on the left side) for my heals and defenses.
I use the alt keys (on the right side) for my utility spells, divine steed, repentance, turn evil, etc…
I do this account wide on every class depending on what their utilities/heals/defensives are.

So, when I make my macros, that only leaves CTRL is the available SINGLE KEY modifier, which I use for Word of Glory/Intercession

My only other options for modifiers are to use joint modifiers (eg. SHIFT&ALT, SHIFT&CTRL)

This way I can put nomod:shift/alt in my casting conditionals and the macro will essentially stop doing it’s thing to allow me to use my shift/alt keys unhindered.

I’ve done this for years and it’s how I’ve grown accustomed to playing. It’s second nature to me.

You can change these to your needs as described throughout this thread. But this is the why as to me doing this.

and yes… I realize I misspelled “shift”… but I’m not changing it… lmao

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I totally get the logic but it doesn’t work well when you use F1-F10 as hot keys :slight_smile:
I just change your calls to CTRL/Shift/ALT and I’m good to go. Thanks as always for the hard work. Can’t wait to get my 4th tier piece and swap over to the latest macros.

Do you proc anything manually to let it simply run?

Not sure what you mean by proc, but I let the lazy version run, sometimes it doesn’t fire a Divine Toll and I’ll hold ShiftAlt and it fires right off…

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Anyone have any ideas on getting holy power spenders(templars verdict and divine storm) to fire more often? I’ve tried making a repeating block and playing with the auto fire timing from 30-70 at 5ms increments but no luck. I’ve noticed that I’m sitting on 5 holy power a lot more often as I gear up. (443 ilvl now).

add spell to bar click when it highlights !