depends on how fast ur firing it. ms plays a big part
The new ST one don’t seem to work well for me. I get about 40k with it compared to 70k on the old one.
It doesn’t auto cast Execution Sentence, so you gotta watch your cooldowns now
The new macro sounds great. I am trying to modify it to fire off the CD blast phase with only alt instead of shift/alt.
Should it be as simple as removing the shift from shiftalt in the Variable Keypress section?
/use [mod:alt] Elemental Potion of Power
/cast [mod:alt] Avenging Wrath
/castsequence [known:Execution Sentence, mod:alt] Execution Sentence, Divine Toll, Execution Sentence; [@player, mod:alt] 343721, Divine Toll
That seemed to cause nothing to fire.
Thanks again for the macro and any info you can provide
What ms u using? … :3
which ones is the correct talents and macros im so confused?
The MS I used on Oak’s macro was 70-100. Oak did say further up that Final reconing and divine toll was removed from the macro to make it on use time (Like if the tank does a massive pull, then you want it. Not on 2 mobs before a big pull so its on CD).
@Craigs_List It should be that easy, yes. Maybe you have something preventing alt being used?
@mightymist3ry I don’t have a patreon, and I personally use 30-50 ms. but a different ms may work better for you. It’s highly subjective.
@tragic I use the wowhead recommended talents. Best 10.1 Talent Builds for All Classes - Raid, Mythic+, PvP, and Open World in Dragonflight Season 2 - Wowhead News
I was smashing 12-15s lastnight ending around 100-110 dps overall
Glad to hear. I’ve had similar results.
May I ask if you are using “new build” (the one with shift+ alt modifier) or one of the previous?
I use latest version. Divine toll, wings, reckoning, all def cds all seperate. Just dps is in rotation
I have Shield of Vengeance and Divine Protection built into the macro as they both have short 1m cooldowns and I personally forget to use them.
If you’d prefer to use them manually, take them out.
Are talents for ST and AOE supposed to be the same?
When I export the macros I don’t change the talents in what’s exported. Both macros can be used with either M+ or Raid talents. I mostly M+ and then raid for me is only 2 nights a week, so I’m almost always in M+ build.
ST is g8t but i still use old once AOE which is abit better with new once i do like 140k with old once i do like 160k
New Update - Mainly to the ST version. I took the ST cooldowns out of the KeyPress variable and split them so you fire Execution Sentence and Divine Toll separately instead of relying on the castsequence lining up. It improved performance for me in raid tonight. So, the main rotation fires automagically, then Hit Shift&Alt together to fire off cooldowns when they are available. You should be able to line all three every other Execution Sentence.
will test today, i see that in block 2 divine toll is fired if execution sentence is known, is it intended?
Yes, it’s intended. This way Divine Toll acts differently depending on which talent is chosen.