OAK Retribution Paladin - Templar & Herald of the Sun

load the new GSE…
/gse in game
import the macro.

then set up your keybind for activating it.

(still working on the how to get modifiers to fire in some macro’s)

where do I download the new GSE?

curseforge has it https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/gse-gnome-sequencer-enhanced-advanced-macros is the latest version

I downloaded it. then I imported the link. They’re there too, but where can I find the macros that work?

all you have to do then is keybind the macro to a key…whatever key, mouse button etc…you want…
then either keep hitting that key or use external mouse/keyboard software to repeat that key.

I use F3 doe AOE and F1 for ST. and have it auto repeat thru my steel series software.

there is a keybind option in /GSE just make a new keybind and set it up for RET ST RET AOE (and you can use the same keybind for other specs also and just set them up under that spec like PROT F3 also.)

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This macro is straight fire! I haven’t played for about three weeks. I came back to the game and updated GSE, but when I opened the game to the new GSE interface in-game, I started getting Lua errors. I thought hard about how to solve this, but then I remembered from when I was younger that just deleting the WTF folder and Interface folder would automatically regenerate them when you open WoW. Now my WoW is super clean and GSE works flawlessly. Anyway, this macro rocks! I have super crappy gear and I’m doing 200k DPS lol

Updated this to work with the WoWHead build as well… I still like my talent build better though. :slight_smile:

when I tried to input your talent build it says it is outdated. but I have been playing with different builds to see what is better.

u will have to enter them ur self for the talents some points have been moved and deleted . just copy whats listed above and import t he macro and ur off to band camp

thanks was using the talents in the macro itself :wink:

I’m kind of slow - sorry - I do not see the icon - is it displayed somewhere else?- I can key bind - sorry - help?

there is no more icon its totaly different now

hey guys for everyone who still ahve problems i saw OAKs vid on youtube it helped me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-EBQlavkIo&ab_channel=OAK

but still some how it dont uses the divine storm or final verdict

Hello all , and thx for your Great Job.
I have a Prob with the macro seq, it does not consumme Holy Power, so the cycle not working for me since Pre patch 11.0.
Any issue ?

Thanks Oak for the nice macro, I noticed one thing, in the talent tree you pick [Templar Strike], but every time I hit ST or AOE macro it does not press [Templar Strike], only rarly it does that, any idea ? it does not count tword my damge

i click import and nothing happens :confused: not even error telling me why
edit-nvm got it working. simple restart of the game fixed it

Dear Oak,

For some reason, I have about 18 characters, and none of them work for GSE imports. The only one that works is this RET import. Also, this RET macro doesn’t have Lua errors, so it’s playable. However, when I try to play on other characters and import other contributing authors, I either can’t import or get 12 Lua errors.

Is it possible you use the same method to make other class macros? I think you have the skills to do it. also i love you

Noticed in the sequence there’s Templer Slash and but in the talent tree its called Templar Strikes, is it a mistake or ? in the sequence its white.

like this

/cast Templar Slash
/cast [nomod:shift, nochanneling] Blade of Justice

Sorry for bothering you and asking too many questions recently due to the upcoming game hype. I figured out what was causing the Lua errors and failed imports on my PC. Turns out my account is from 2006, and the macro list was full at 120 macros. I cleared out about 20 of them, so now all my characters can receive imports from the site. After making room for single-target and AoE macros for each class, everything works perfectly!

No I think it is for freedom of choice which spell you wanna use.