OAK Retribution Paladin - Templar & Herald of the Sun

I need to remove the use trinkets. is there a way to do that?

Yes , delete only the line with

/use 13 or 14 ( sometimes have conditionals like nochanneling , combat , @player, etc 

Those are the slots for trinkets.

Press save.


What ms are you using? I saw your video about logitech setup but when i try 240 is prett y big dps loss, on 100ms i have almost same number on ST as sim and a little less on AoE. Good job on this macro!

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Ms is based on your computer, internet and lag. You have to figure out what works for you. What ms oak plays at might not work for you.

@OAK Thank you for all the time that you’ve spent helping the community. Is there a way for the sequence to not auto target the next closest target? I’m just thinking of M+ situations.

Please tell me which string is the latest, the first one?

Quick question about dates. Oak, was this updated recently? I might have missed it but the original post still says June and I don’t see any edits to indicate when the latest version was. Do you update the OP when you have a new version? Just want to be sure I have the latest. Thanks!

Not anymore. The dates automatically update on wago along with version number. If you get the import string from wago, you will have the most up to date version

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Updated for TWW Release and Both Hero Builds

OAK Retribution Paladin - Templar & Herald of the Sun


Hold ALT for Wake of Ashes - If Templar Hero Build, keep holding ALT Until Hammer of Light Fires, then let go.

Battle Rez (Intercession) & Word of Glory Hold CTRL to Battle Rez (Intercession) your Mouseover if they’re dead. If they’re alive it casts Worrd of Glory on your Mouseover if there is one, if not, then it’ll cast it on YOU (Battle Rez requires you to have 3 holy power, so hold CTRL and mouse over the dead person until you have the Holy Power and keep holding until the Rez fires off)

Hold ALT Modifier for Turn Evil when mouseover an enemy (Undead, Aberration, Demon) or Cleanse Toxins when mouseover a friendly unit - IF TALENTED

Got it, thanks!

I notice it says “works with any build”. Wondering if your original build in this thread is what you are using/recommend or another?

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I just use the wowhead/icyveins builds.

Talents: Please Refer to Wowhead or Icy Veins Says it on the wago site

Has this been changed for the new pre release TWW? Or did it need to?
Thanks as always Oak. Youre the best

Yes, if you check above you can see it’s updated

how can i move the wake of ashes and hammer of light to shift instead, i dont get this new gse version as well, was easyer before :smiley:

Any thoughts on how this might work without the modifier on Wake of Ashes and resulting Hammer? Usually try not to have a modifier on the main rotation. I have some hand issues that can make it hard.

I guess there is a Wake of Ashes in Block 2.2 that does not need a modifier, so the Alt is just holding the Holy Power till 5 to cast the Hammer of Light? Or was the 2.2 block left that way by mistake?

I can help, look me up battle tag Bonzieknight#1589.

What does *0AKRETNOCDS means? Do i click this when my Cds are used?

Is it possible to put the alt modifier on a side mouse button instead ? for wake of ashes