Orbalisk’s - Mythic+ for Mythic+ v. 2.6 (Updated 12/17/24)

Ok. I’m not doing that.

You know that the weakaura you linked was created by Timothy, the guy who makes GSE.

If you use that aura, it’ll do what you’re asking for already.

Right side icon is the WA working, agnostic to whatever macro is being used.

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odd, the macro worked great when i logged out last night, this morning i get nothing working when i engage the macro. I didn’t change anything. no errors. reloaded the macro, took GSE out, reloaded GSE, reimported macro reset talents and still nothing happens. very odd

If you have a razor mouse, they updated their software and broke everything. You have to readd the macro modules. Nothing changed macro side, so it might be software related.

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please tell me what delay to set?

I always use 100ms for all of my macros. Might be a bit different for you.

im thinking about getting a macro mouse im tired of pressing keys lol any suggestions.

Hey gg for your work !
Need some help because only V1 work for me when i select V2 V3 or V4 on Default configuration when i start my macro auto attack only.

I use a razor deathaddler2. It’s great.

cheers will check it out.

Can anyone assist, I have imported the talent tree, imported the string, but I don’t see any thumbnail to drag to my tool bar? I have looked in each of these sections What am i missing?

You have to click on keybinds and then assign it to the key you want.

I did that, but where do I get the icon to drag to my toolbar?

I don’t understand the next step… thanks for answering, and the guidence

There is no icon anymore go test it out on a target dummy and spam whatever key you assigned to your keybind i use 2

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im wondering what is that red square and arrow thing on your target, id love to have that

I got it working, pretty amazing to be honest.

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It’s an addon called TopTarget. It highlights whatever player or mob most of your group is attacking. :slight_smile:

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loving this macro. great work. i also would like a champions spear version instead of thunderous roar. i tired to edit it myself and just ruined it lol. had to re-import. no big deal though if you dont want to. what u got here is great! thanks!

not sure if you want me posting this here but i tanked a normal raid with it earlier and figured id post my overall below incase your curious how it performed with someone else. Thanks again for this macro =)

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waht MS are you running this on 150 250 100 ?