Orbalisk's - By the Light! (PvP & Mythic+/Raid) v. 5.0 (Updated 9/20/24)

Just tested it. Fires off great as you said. I actually gained 25k dps in version 3.7!! Great job

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Donating for raid specs in future! haha
Btw, using this on heroic dungeons.
Do you normally use AOE on trash mobs then when we get to Boss switch to ST?

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I usually use ST on 3 or less. Anything 4+ gets AOE.

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Fixed an error on my part with Hammer of Justice vs Hammer of Wrath. Corrected in Version 3.8

Hey, you’ve put in “/cast radiant glory” in version 1, block 1.2. ST sequence - 1. you dont have that talented in and 2. it’s a passive ability when it is talented.

It wont do anything but just thought i’d point it out incase its in error.


I think i know what it is, if you’ve used spelld codes instead of spell names, i’ve actually talented into radiant glory and so it may show in the GSE lol, ignore me if thats the case! :smiley:

Yes, I have people from other countries that ask me to use spellID since it won’t work on their clients. It should still fire off for you.

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Yeah no worries at all :slight_smile:

I tried this on a couple of heroics. I noticed that trinkets are not being used automatically.
Single Target DPS is very good. i sometimes get 1st or 2nd vs marksman hunter.

AOE i think its okay, need more testing.

Using talents the talents you provided on main post and version 2

Are the trinkets something that require a cursor cast? If so, it’s not going to fire unless you add @cursor or @player to the trinket lines.

/use [@cursor] 13

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Raid is coming next week! hope you will be doing raid sequences :smiley: in wowhead, the best talent for raiding is templar: Retribution Paladin DPS Guide - The War Within 11.0.2 - Wowhead

I wonder if the dps is huge when compared to herald

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I will work on that this weekend.


What block is crusade in cause I want to fire that off my self

I believe it’s in the same block as Wake of Ashes, but I don’t have that sequence open.

Item level 586

The main post doesn’t have talent codes for mythics. i could only see talent code for raid templar.

Templar AOE and ST v3.9 version 1
(if there is a Herald raid talent please provide so i can test)

Herald AOE and ST v3.8 vs v3.9 version 2 (using v3.8 herald talent code)
(if there is Templar mythic talent, please provide so i can test)

When I press one it starts with popping wings I tried removing it from the beginning but it still does not sure why.

I use Herald for everything right now, since Templar’s gameplay feels clunky to use overall and the DPS gain is marginal.

this is true because of the alt ( hammer of light ).

Orbalisk V3.9 AOE & ST Mythic+: Herald Version 2:
HUGE improvement on AOE compared to v1

Orbalisk V3.9 AOE & ST Raid: Herald Version 2:
Big improvement on ST for Raiding Talent, but AOE went down.

Just want to say I am using it now with the Hearald update and this Macro is amazing great work.

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Do i have to create other hotkeys for the modifiers?