By far BEST ret rotation right here…Average DPS at the end of my boss fights is 1.3mil at 25ms
25ms is unnecessarily fast, surprised the game hasn’t flagged you.
Hello Orbalisk, I am new to GSE and was hoping I could ask you a couple of questions about your Ret Pally macro Im using. Im not sure how to DM you here.
Hello Orbalisk why when i use ST i burst like 1.10 m and then i lost my dps at 800k pls help me
That’s just how Ret dps is. You burst high and fall down to your average dps for your ilvl. The burst is your cds all at once. After that they pop on cool down
Post questions here. Nobody checks DMs on this site.
@Orbalisk , What MS Click Rate are you using with these GSE Macros for optimal performance?
I customized the following script with AutoHotKey as well to use with this GSE Macro.
3 = ST
4 = MT
@ 50 MS
GSE Macro bound to F3 (ST) and F4 (MT)
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; Limiter les raccourcis à une fenêtre spécifique
#HotIf WinActive(“World of Warcraft”)
HandleKey(key, sendKey, delay) {
While GetKeyState(key, “P”) {
Send(“{Blind}” sendKey)
$3::HandleKey(“3”, “{F3}”, 50)
$4::HandleKey(“4”, “{F4}”, 50)
; Raccourcis globaux pour la gestion du script
50ms is really fast
And no human could attain that
Guys, i imported the macro and it works nicely, but CTRL, ALT i dont know how to set it up, can u help?
where are you my hero, long time no see you
Hey! So I play WoW with family members and they wanted to dive into SoD, so I’ve been mostly playing that waiting for Season 2 to start. When S2 starts I’ll get my pally macros updated first since that’s my main class.
Need to make sure its now already claimed in keybinds in main game
I was prioritizing crit mastery because of sims but decided to main prot over ret and changed my stats to haste with 10.6K mastery and the rest into crit and my dps doubled. Went from 1.2M or so to 2.5M in a +10 NW. I highly recommend what others suggested in getting at least 20% haste.
As always great macro.
bravo!!! That’s rili perfect!
Made a slight tweak to Orbs 8.4 beta ST. I’m getting consistently better DPS with it, sometimes beating sims. Running at 50ms, fully auto, wowhead ST talents.
see i have 18% haste, 22.85% crit, 43.13% mastery. I dont have all my BiS or 2nd BiS pieces yet and it feels like the higher haste you get the more this macro lags out cuz youre hitting to fast or if something on this god forsaken wow server is preventing the macro from working correctly.
I have both MS being bounced between 20-50ms and they were working perfect and i mean perfect, also had it at one time left the original MS at 250 and the other at 50 and that was perfect as well.
I honestly dont know whats going on with this. Im not sure if i have a setting messed up or what. Be awesome if someone could help me set this up correctly so i dont keep messing up opportunity’s with raid and dungeons cuz something is up.
(note) its hard for me to go back to the original playstyle as i have nerve dmg in my left arm/hand and had all my key binds on the side. tried keybind everything to the mouse but doing all the skills and keybinds through the mouse, was just epic SLOWMO and dps was HORRIBLE!
hit me up in discord if you could help lostacres
10% hast 28% crit 50% mastery I’m 639 ilvl I’ve been using the macro since the beginning and it’s the best
so do i have to much haste or something? cuz according to top 5 ret pallys i should be around 20-22% haste which i thought was high !