Orbalisk's - By the Light! (PvP & Mythic+/Raid) v. 8.4 (Updated 11/18/24)

Than update to whatever build you want and add it, it should work fine. I’ll revisit my macros when Season 2 drops for a massive overhaul where needed and updated builds.

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no no your macro works very well I thought maybe there can be a mistake ion talent tree ty for your macro well done ! do you see the next paladin tuning, do you think its a nerf oder buff.

The macro behaves very well on the PTR 11.1 the Paladin is still very strong

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Not sure why divine storm and final verdict arent working… It was fine yesterday? Maybe update broke it but I dont see how…

EDIT: Im going to leave this up in hopes that it would be found by other usrers… because I had to skim through so many comments from the past to figure out whats wrong. Another user had same issue after an update and restarting client usually works if divine storm and final verdict arent being used.

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Hey Amo, version 4 automated templar seems to be working fine for me.

AOE on top, ST on bottom

you do that with macros menu? and what speed?

Is there something up with the macro that is auto using trinket for pvp? It wasn’t doing it until I imported the sequences again and now even when I disable the last block it is still using it.

i have one question. I use the macro with mousewheel up and down for AOE and ST.
When I press alt or ctrl and use the mousewheel everything stops. How i do it?
Also i wanted to confirm with not use the beta version and use the one below right?

reset your keypress in trouble shooting ! not goin thur it all.

one question. i just bind a prot pala gse to the mouse wheel, i was thinking they automatic switch depending on the spec but this wasnt the case. so now i deleted the mouse wheel macros for Ret and the mousewheel istn working anymore. i tried everything bind the macro again but the mousewheel doesnt send any orders same its unbound.

the macro is amazing. One thing i notice in Arena its always casting Will to Survive automaticly. how do i disable it?

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locate it block the block !

/use [known: Hammer of Light,nomod,@player] 14 is this also trinket?
How the Will to Survive works in this Macro? I see its on CD all the time…

Firstly, thank you for a spanking macro that has served me well this season!

I’m curious whether anyone else has had Execution Sentence and/or Wake of Ashes not fire off in dungeons, intermittently? Doesn’t seem to happen on target dummies, but does in M+ keys. I’ve had it in most versions of this macro (Templar (Automated) ST and AOE), and usually just overcome it by manually casting them, but has anyone else had the same issue, and fixed it? Cheers.

guys please help me. I read the macro like 5 times. there is no Will to Survive Human Racial Skill involved. It also only cast it in the Arena automatic. How i can remove it? I tried google etc. nothing helps. Please someone save my Arena

Are you sure your macro key isn’t double bound somewhere else?

it was the auto anti cc trinket. when it triggers it puts the Will of Human on CD. Sorry for wasting your time bro. I am so stupid haha

Did you figure out how to disable it? Having the same issue.

Go through the blocks and remove any references to /use 14 or /use 13.

Worked, thanks for helping.