Orbalisk's - Murder Kitty! [PvP/Mythic] v 1.5 (Updated 9/22/24)

they are outdated. seems to work with most M+ talent trees

this is one of the best GSE macros i run, it transformed the hard gse class making as feral druid into an easy and top damge, realy thanks and cant wait to try your other class macro

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Its out of date, do you have any new on the way?

here below find the updated talent



Kind regards,
Thrace & Thracian from Ysondre :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I really appreciate the support. <3

Your very welcome!!! :slight_smile:

Good job. Wish it could be updated to actual state, at least in upcoming 11.1 patch.
Seems like ST one is getting stuck for me, continue testing.

Is there any update? The ST macro is crashing after using the ALT modifier and the AOE macro is working perfectly. I have imported the macro several times and it continues to crash.

I havenā€™t been playing much retail and definitely not druid. If I get some times, Iā€™ll see if I can update this during Season 2.

Feral is looking really good next season. So if you manage to get the sequence up to your standard next season as well, it would be amazing. I guess there might be a bunch of people that will start asking as soon as the season starts :smiley:

People here are saying that CTRL and ALT arenā€™t working for them, and I also noticed this happening on my end when I started using AutoHotkey for button spamming. What helped me was using {Blind} before the sent key, which makes AutoHotkey not ignore those keys.
Maybe thatā€™s the issue?

So instead of (in AHK script):

Send, ]

I have:

Send, {Blind}]

And everything works perfectly (for me :)).

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I had issues before as well. I was spamming Num+ and had an action bar keybind set to CTRL+Num+, which caused it not to work. Removing the keybind from the action bar fixed it for me.

@Orbalisk once again a great sequence. Iā€™ve been following you for a lot of time and using Prot Warrior and Prot Paladin sequences, also managed to climb high in score with those.

Now about feral. As we know, in S2 the spec looks pretty strong, and also there is gonna be interest from many people in this.

What I have been noticing more frequently on you sequence, when you hit ALT for finishers, sometimes you have even 3 or 4 finishers in a row without re applying Rip on the target which is a DPS loss. Is either I run it too fast, but I also tried slower than 100, and it still dosenā€™t always apply Rip when it has too. Probably is a timing problem, or you just created the macro a bit based on PvP where I can understand the need of more Ferocious Bites. Once again, donā€™t get me wrong, I am trying to come with feedback if your plans are to improve your sequence.

Maybe for M+ version swap Skull Bash from shift and split the Ferocious Bite and Rip from alt, assign one of them there. That will cause more control over the Rip which is important, but in the same time it makes it a bit more complicated for some users.

Again, good job for this, good as always. I will provide some pictures when I get to PC from couple of keys with the uptime of Rip.



Works great! thanks alot!