i was using that aswell
you also use Gladiator Stance rune, is there any where in the macro, that you go into gladiator stance ?? i have only seen Stance:2 is used thats Defensive stance.
Gladiator stance is only really used for Offtanking. You do not want to use that for anything otherwise, as it will not hold threat versus geared party/raid members. You swap into that if you want to be #2 on threat.
oki i am using the macro for leveling
Just another question, you use Rampage on wrist, is that in combination with Fresh Meat ? Rampage give a 10% AP in 30 sec, but req enraged
Hi orb! Can you upload your dw fury talents and runes ?
Alrighty. I added them to the main post.
am i doing something wrong? when i import i only see 1.0, 1.4, and 1.5 not 1.3 for dw?
I swapped to 2H, but you can use the same macro for both DW and 2H. I make a lot of internal edits and versions so when you see a jump, it’s just me posting my latest.
Ur weakaura does not work, it will not be imported.
Which one? I’ll check it tonight when I get home.
ALT on Green
Use whatever button you want to fire off Overpower on Yellow
i copyid the string
Updated the OP, let me know if those work for you.
hey wondering what i`m doing wrong… because nothing happens when i push the button or holding it down… is it only working on english client?
EDIT: changed all spellnames into english and now it works
u have te old for fury that worked on classic? was deleted mine
I do, I’ll try to get around to messaging it to you tomorrow.
가져오기 해도 왜 시퀀스에 안떠있을까요?
is it possible for u to do a fury/prot macro?
With the addition of shield slam causing flurry, I’m not sure how that build would look in SoD. Fury/prot as I recall was mostly for flurry, but now we get it while keeping the shield on. If you want to do more damage, swap into gladiator stance and go to town.