Orbalisk's - Trollslayer Arms v. 1.0

thx alot, would you go down the arms tree first or fury ?

I went down Fury first because even though having rage on swaps is super important, it’s not really if you never leave the stance. So I sit in berserker stance and when I hit 60 and have tier, then it’ll be actually beneficial to swap to battle for overpower procs, but no point until then. Not a huge DPS increase and you want bloodthirst asap.

Also don’t DW until you have the hit gear. Just 2H to victory.

thx for the answer :slight_smile:
just another question, i got the macro in the game, but when i hold down alt for quick strike, it only does it once and sometimes it dont do it at all, i did change it from alt to shift after, that did not help either.

I believe Alt on both ST and AoE is Slam, CTRL is Quick Strike on ST and Cleave on AoE

true, and if i hold down ctrl for quick strike while the macro is running, it wont cast it :S ill try have a look again :slight_smile:

i got the macro running on key 1, if i hold down shift it makes !!! and if i hold down ctrl the macro stops pressing 1 to run the macro :slight_smile:
ill have to look at that tomorrow.

I noticed GSE automatically makes the sequence fill in the spell for the rune thats currently equipped, and sometimes it doesn’t change them all or back to the original. Check that and see if that’s maybe the problem.

must be some kind of keybind, if i put Quick Strike on Alt, there is no problem at all

Hey orb! Do any of your classic macros work on anniversary? Just curious because I started playing it and would love to use your stuff. Thanks for your amazing work!

They should but I’m focusing on SoD specific macros since that’s what I’m playing. I can post what I had from classic anni but it wasn’t as fleshed out as I’d like.

I’ve used your arms macro for the last maby 20 levels and its great, but just hit 50 and would like to try going over to fury, so if you have any of those collecting dust in your harddrive i would love to try if it still works (for classic ofc).
Thanks for your work Orb, was a heavy user of your pally macro in retail and it helped me alot.

thanks a lot for this , just 1 question:

what needs to be changed if i choose gladiator stance rune?
