9/24 - Updated Macro. I decided to combine the 3 AOTB Macros into 1 macro. Tab 1 is the main macro complete with modifiers. Tab 2 is the version without modifiers. Tab 3 is the version for those not using the boots.
9/23 - Updated Macro. I noticed that at some point several minutes into the macro running it would get a little wonky in that Kill Command wasn’t being effectively gated behind Dire Beast. The goal of the macro is to maximize the cool-down reduction of the legendary boots. Due to timing issues though, Kill Command would get ahead of Dire Beast and it start missing casts of Kill Command.
Since we want Kill Command to be cast as much as possible and as soon as possible, this was not optimal. It wasn’t too terrible, but I am an OCD perfectionist…
So, I changed the macro up a bit and ran it on multiple iterations for 5-10 minutes each. It now runs smooth as glass. My DPS results from using this macro are very good. Enjoy!
NOTE: This macro is complex. But it works great if you simply use it in a straightforward way and spam the macro. The complexity is optional. If you really like this macro, but need some changes and want my help, just let me know.
This macro is specifically intended for use with the legendary boots which reduce the cool-down on Kill Command. Dire Beast and Kill Command are tied together to get the max benefit from the cool-down reduction.
I have included [mod] options in this macro, but the macro works great even if you elect to not use the mod commands. I will post a [mod]less version in a different thread.
The extra lines are important as you don’t want it to cast too many Cobra Shots and wind up perpetually focus starved and delaying the casting of Kill Commands.
This macro has a lot of optional parts and many mod functions.
1 - CTRL - Hold for AOE, release for single target
2 - ALT - Hold to cast Revive Pet. This will heal the pet or rez if dead.
3 - Shift - Hold to cast Counter Shot and Intimidation. Also hold to cast extra Cobra Shots to dump focus.
This macro will cast AMOC if you have that talent. It will cast Binding shot at your feet if you have that talent.
Dire Stable or Way of the Cobra - If you have too much focus, go with WOTC, else go with Dire Stable
Posthaste or Trailblazer - Posthaste for PvP else TRailblazer
One with the Pack
Binding Shot or Intimidation - Great for procing Sephuz along with Counter Shot, macro will auto cast Binding shot on top of you.
A Murder of Crows or Volley - AMOC with high mastery, else Volley is just better
Aspect of the Beast - Obvious choice
Sequences['AOTBGween'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.00.
Author="Neewg@Bleeding Hollow",
Talents = "2131133",
Help = [[Press CTRL to switch macro into AOE mode. Release CTRL for Single Target mode.
Press SHIFT to utilize Interupts, stuns, CC.
Press ALT to heal or rez your pet.
Talents - 3131x33 or 2131x33, can also choose AMOC if desired.
Tab 1 - Main Macro, complex and includes modifiers
Tab 2 - Modifiers removed
Tab 3 - Version for those not using Legendary Boots (Qa'Pla)]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Priority",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix",
"/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend",
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection",
"/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath",
"/cast [combat] Blood Fury",
"/cast [combat] Titan's Thunder",
"/cast [combat] Aspect of the Wild",
"/cast [mod:shift] Counter Shot",
"/cast [mod:shift] Intimidation",
"/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Binding Shot",
"/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast",
"/cast [talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows; [mod:alt] Revive Pet",
"/cast [mod:ctrl] Multi-Shot; [mod:shift] Cobra Shot; [mod:alt] Revive Pet",
"/cast [nomod:ctrl] Kill Command",
"/cast [nomod:ctrl] Kill Command",
"/cast [nomod:ctrl] Cobra Shot",
[2] = {
StepFunction = "Priority",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix",
"/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend",
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection",
"/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath",
"/cast [combat] Blood Fury",
"/cast [combat] Titan's Thunder",
"/cast [combat] Aspect of the Wild",
"/cast [mod:shift] Counter Shot",
"/cast [mod:shift] Intimidation",
"/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Binding Shot",
"/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast",
"/cast [talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows; Dire Beast",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Cobra Shot",
[3] = {
StepFunction = "Priority",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix",
"/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend",
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection",
"/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath",
"/cast [combat] Blood Fury",
"/cast [combat] Titan's Thunder",
"/cast [combat] Aspect of the Wild",
"/cast [mod:shift] Counter Shot",
"/cast [mod:shift] Intimidation",
"/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Binding Shot",
"/cast Kill Command",
"/cast Dire Beast",
"/cast [talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows; Dire Beast",
"/cast [mod:alt] Revive Pet; Kill Command",
"/cast Cobra Shot",