OZY’S_BOOMY_ST (patch 9.0.1) you can easily push M+ keys up to 25+ or more



Talents: 1XXX221

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.17.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Moonfire, Moonkin Form, Sunfire, Celestial Alignment, Rebirth

Main Sequence: Fury of Elune, Warrior of Elune, Wrath, Moonfire, Starfire, Sunfire, Starsurge

KeyRelease: Starsurge


Hey there! works wonderfully!
But I was wondering…

Is it possible to make a Macro Require certain buffs to be Enabled like

Example: “If solar eclipse -> then cast Wrath”
Example2: “If Lunar eclipse -> Then cast Starfire”

I’m aware that you can make Certain “If this, then that” but I’m wondering is this possible?
or are we treading into the Realm of Automation?

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hey, unfortunately “if this then that” doesnt work on this type macros as i know. If someone knows then let us know :slight_smile:

What ms do you run it at?

hey its default on my gsse options

Not sure I understand you?

not using any software for MS settings and also not setted any number in gsse options ms settings.

Ah alright :slight_smile: Well it works well for me at 100ms if anyone uses it ^^

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Well tested it my old balance druid ilvl 109 and was doing 6.1k on training dummies for AOE.

ST a bit lower but well worth it at the moment.

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I shall give it a try tomorrow/or wake up and come back with feedback. :slight_smile:

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Hi guys i use the macro and keep spaming sunfire and nothing else pls help

@Mia_Smith you are spamming the macro too fast, try to increase your ms to 100-150

Ty for the tip now works like a charm


Thanks for the new macro. I have been using yours forever. So glad its updated lol!

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just so i’m clear, i’m taking it you’re not trying to manage eclipse states with this

this is more 1-button, which is going to put out acceptable/decent dmg - but will be missing a lot of the benefits of the spec changes with SL

100% nothing wrong with that, but I think to eek out more damage it will take a pretty complex macro with modifiers or likely multiple macros to manage starsurge and eclipse states.

Hey! Cant rename

/cast Warrior of Elune
/cast Fury of Elune

for my language. can u allow editing ?

For some reason I am unable to save my edits to this macro. I made sure I am all updated and everything. is that strange?

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Talents: 1XXX221

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.17.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Moonfire, Moonkin Form, Sunfire, Celestial Alignment, Rebirth

Main Sequence: Fury of Elune, Warrior of Elune, Wrath, Moonfire, Starfire, Sunfire, Starsurge

KeyRelease: Starsurge

1xxx221 talents correct? I see you have Fury of Elune in macro. should it be 1xxx222?


its optional if player decide to choose those talents due the various affix+dungeons

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