Request: Can anyone put these into a macro? (PVP)


i tried my best but i cant get it to work
can somebody maybe write these combos from the video into a macro?
i would realy appreciate your help!

if you give me a detailed list of the rotation (combos), i will try

5-6CP + SnD up -

/cast Shadow Blades
/cast Cold Blood
/castsequence reset=10 Sepsis,Kidney Shot,Shadow Dance,Shadowy Duel,Symbols of Death,Sinful Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity,Shadowstrike,Vanish,Eviscerate,Shadowstrike,Eviscerate

Close but I think he said Shadowy Duel first then Shadow Dance so
/castsequence reset=10 Sepsis,Kidney Shot, Shadowy Duel, Shadow Dance, Symbols of Death,Sinful Aspirant’s Badge of Ferocity, Shadowstrike,Vanish,Eviscerate,Shadowstrike,Eviscerate

Anyways, my rogue is only 45 so I couldnt try the macro out myself. I did however try and recreate the macro and also made another version you can try out if you have all of the things. I dont know from where he is having Slice and Dice from plus 5 combo points but yeah you just asked for the macro so that is tab 1. Tab two is me trying to wrap my head around a macro as a none rogue player and a level 45 that test the macro. I think in theory it should work but you just need to Try it.

The Broken Subtlety Macro you requested

Click here for macro


Edited so it is no longer read only

I tried to put something together, the DPS at the beginning is 7k then drops to 5k and remains stable at 2.6k. But the opener burst is impressive. My item lvl is 170. I keep testing. I would appreciate your feedback.


This look really promising, but i have a few problems, its in german :slight_smile: is it possible to get this in english?

Here you go!

Click here for macro


Edited so it isnt read only

Sorry for coming back so late have been gone for a few days but this looks realy good will come back and giving my feedback when i finaly get my mark of the assasin legendary! but thanks you all for the help i realy suck at making macros

@Buenor thanks for your translation. where would u put the kyrian ability ? and maybe an cheapshot opener ? since the talent of 10% more damage during cheapshot. not always fireing off.

You are welcome, and as for the other things, i cant really help too much being as i dont play Rogue unfortunately. I just made this macro and threw something together after staring at it for awhile out of theory. everything i did was untested being as my rogue is only 45. I made a macro with stuff you are talking about, it is in tab two of my macro but like i said it is untested.

Check here for the macro i made and remember that i think it is tab 2 and everything is untested and only in theory

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Hey bro any chance you can allow us to edit the macro tried to do it but would not allow me to save the edit thanks

Yes im sorry, I actually realized last night that I have been posting all of my macros accidently in read only. I will update it, so retry it when you read this.

Been using this in pvp the past few days, this still works great and is probably the best choice around atm…

Hi, is it possible to modify it for Venthyr?